We all know what 'Icing on the Cake' means but let's be real now. Andie Specialty Sweets is one place where you'll experience the actual meaning of this well versed idiom. They specialize in handmade cake embellishments and decorative sugars that are edible and look extremely beautiful. From adorable mushrooms to vintage buttons, they provide a vast variety of decoratives which can brighten even the most sluggish cakes. I am totally in love with their creations, specially the candy buttons (see the image in your left).

"Andie's Specialty Sweets takes the greatest care in producing superb, handmade, sugar decorations, sculpted marzipan, & decorated cookies. All products are made-to-order & shipped directly from our studio in California. Our clients consist of brides, cake decoraters, caterers & home bakers", is how they like to put up.

I am really excited to have its wonderful owner and the very creative artist, Andie to share her thoughts and journey through Andie Specialty Sweets. Catch her interview below with some of my favorite cake embellishments and decorative sugars:

Andie, let's start with a brief introduction of yours.

Hi, I’m Andie, born and raised in Southern California, a wife to (I’m not kidding) the most amazing man in the world and mommy to (also) the most amazing 4 +1 kids (long story, so we’ll say 5) in
the world - no partiality here. I’m now riding a business that has grown from a whim, and where it will take me...God only knows.

Tell us a bit about 'Andie's Speciality Sweets'. What is it all about?

Andie’s Specialty Sweets is a small design team that caters to the edible sugar art arena. We have a made-to-order, mail order line of cake embellishments and decorative candy and offer custom design
services for special events, needs and wants. Part of our business model has been to develop proprietary recipes and methods of creating sugar art, and a set of principles that guide us in rendering aesthetically pleasing designs that are also delicious (if we do say so ourselves).

We would love to know your shop's inception. When and how did you decide on starting your shop on Etsy?

I opened Andie’s Specialty Sweets to satisfy a basic need for an artistic outlet. Etsy didn’t have to be an outlet - having 5 kids equals 5 conduits for creative overflow, but....on a whim, I opened the shop, with two listings, no shop banner (for a long time) and if it wasn’t until a caring soul (now a dear friend) who came along and told me I needed to refresh my listings, in order for people to see them...I’d probably be wondering, today, what all the hubbub is about Etsy.

What inspires the artist within you?

I have a very active mind. When it comes to our edibles, inspiration results when this wheel in the right hemisphere of my brain is spinning, spinning, spinning with emerging trends, current market trends, classic trends, and ideas that I think would appeal to the creative sea of humanity...and suddenly a ball of challenge drops in and bounces around until it falls into a slot that fits. Does that make sense?

How did you get into the world of cake embellishments? Do you have any story to share?

It just occurred to me, one fateful night, at a formal wedding, when a bite of overly sweet fluff (cake) entered my mouth, that had been adorned with copious amounts of...frosting of some sort(?) and outdated apparel, that this should not be! I thought, even if it were simple...a special event cake should be...special, andenjoyed. The “wheel” began to spin that night.

Would you like to share the creative work process? How do you think of such super-creative ideas?

Awe, thank you, but I feel I can hardly take the credit. We have such creative, and really artistic customers, many of whom have a keen ability to conceptualize exactly what they want to us. Many of
my favorite items that we sell have been the result of customer genius. Other than that, I look at everything through “edible colored” glasses.

What is your fondest memory with ‘Andie’s Specialty Sweets’?

My fondest memories and are proving to be, even today, those that incorporate an amazing community of gifted, seasoned, small business owners in the Etsy market place that really give their
time and resources to people like me, in daily support. The non- competitive mainstay of Etsy is so refreshing.

Which is your favorite creation by you so far?

I really like them all. But I never get over the Edible Candy Buttons. I relish the replica-like quality, and they are a joy to package. I really get giddy over our candy necklaces (but keep the
elation well hidden). There are really allot of faves for me, but I think I was just supposed to pick one.

Share the best compliment you've ever received for your work.

I refuse to name drop, but a well known fashion designer tried our Chocolate Filled Toadstools and our Edible Vintage Buttons. Afterward they told us that they really did not expect our edibles to taste as good as they looked, but upon trying them said they were some of the best tasting candy they had ever had.

What are the other things that interests you? What do you do in your free time?

Would you be so kind to remind me of the definition of free time? When I signed up for the husband and 5 kids, my time officially became those 6 people’s time. And really, I wouldn’t want it any
other way. I’m a bit stretched at the seams these days, but we do sneak away for early morning beach trips, zoo outings, little people hikes, and creative outdoor projects. There is always the
impromptu dance parties, tickling and wrestling, and chess games (that I’m always loosing) that never get old as well. I do also like to entertain guests and plan parties, and am slowly relearning the art of the film camera.

Many of our readers would draw inspiration from you. What message duo you have for them?

Remember the people in your life. As you have your being in this world and enjoy your gifts and talents, don’t ever be too consumed to miss the life and breath of the people around you. People are precious.

Andie, thanks for sparing time from your 'extremely' busy schedule to talk to with us. ;)
I really enjoyed learning about you and I am sure our readers had a great time as well. Wish you all the success.

Check out Andie's Etsy store.
Andie Specialty Sweets on Facebook and Flickr.

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