iMuzic is a product and service offering that allows independent musicians, motivational speakers, book authors, video producers or any one who is selling digital content to be able to combine the best of physical product sales with digital downloads. 

An extremely useful and handy tool to connect with the right audience, iMuzic has been recently started up by Phil Peretz. It uses a healthy concept and has the ability to be everyone's need who aspires to maintain a long-term connection with their target audience. We have Phil with us to talk about his start-up. Catch his interview below with an in-depth video explaining the working of iMuzic.

Tell us about 'iMuzic' and the fascinating concept behind it.

The traditional business model for independent musicians is they lose control of their fan base and with the advent of digital delivery, they lose their profitability to companies like iTunes and to the aggregators. Most musicians can’t get on to iTunes without using an aggregator so they have to give up even more of their profits to sell their downloads. Having been in the CD and DVD production business for over 10 years, I am sensitive to the needs of performers to have some kind of physical product to sell at shows.

Digital Download cards give performers a physical product that can be sold at an event allowing the fan to go home, redeem the card and download the music, audio, video file or book. A digital download card is really a prepaid gift certificate and since we use E-Junkie as the backbone for iMuzic, people who are already using E-Junkie to sell their digital products can easily add iMuzic Digital Download Cards to the things that they sell at shows.

Unlike selling a CD at a show, the fan who is redeeming the Download Card enters in their email address and now, the musician has a way to contact them by email when they are playing a show or have an important event.

We work with the content seller every step of the way, in fact, we have created a step by step tutorial that is available on our site helping people to upload their digital files, to create bundled products and to add the redemption codes (that we provide) to their E-Junkie shopping cart in order to be able to manage this whole program.

Are there any varieties in the type of cards?

We sell three different styles of cards. The most popular is a 30 mil plastic card. 30 mil is about the thickness of a credit card. There is a 12 mil card which is a thinner flexible plastic card and a 16 point silk laminated card. The 16 point Silk Card is thicker than a typical business card. All of these items can be printed in full color on both sides along with the redemption URL and the unique one of a kind pin number.

I read about two options that you provide the users with, viz., Managed hosting and DIY. Please elaborate.

Managed Hosting is for those people who want a quick solution to be able to sell or give away download cards to their fans. Using our E-Junkie account, we would upload all of the files to our account, create a bundled album or product and then host this on our website. Fans would come to our site, locate the album or bundled digital product, enter the redemption code and download the files.

We really prefer the DIY model so that content providers can take advantage of all of the robust features of E-Junkie. Although it’s a DIY model (do it yourself} we are happy to help people figure out all of the steps involved. We have a complete tutorial right on our site and we have monthly webinars to walk people through the entire process. It’s easy but some people get a little overwhelmed with technology. We are here to help.

How did this interesting concept of 'iMuzic' strike to you? Is there any story behind it?

As I mentioned earlier, I was in the CD and DVD production business for years and until I sold off my business, I was watching more and more music go directly to digital and I was noticing that bands were losing sales opportunities. I have been using E-Junkie for another business that I own and when E-Junkie added in the ability to upload. I’ve owned the domain name for years and have been waiting for the perfect opportunity. This is it.

'iMuzic' is in its initial stage. What kind of response it has received so far?

The response has been fantastic. We got together with about 25 different musicians and created 3 different iMuzic download card compilations. These cards are now being distributed to fans who absolutely love them. We have been reaching out to small labels and independent musicians throughout the country and getting nothing but praise with this concept.

Tell us about the pre-launch phase of iMuzic. How was the experience and what were the difficulties you'd to face?

We couldn't figure out what prelaunch meant...for many people it means that things may or may not work. Since we have a great product using E-Junkie to manage the redemption of the digital files, we have no issues to resolve. We have decided that we would forego a prelaunch and open our virtual doors for business.

Who will 'iMuzic' appeal to? 

Although the concept has been designed for independent musicians, music download cards are also a great idea for artists, photographers, motivational and inspirational speakers. Anyone who sells digital content and sees the value of junkie can use this,

What methods or tools are you mostly rely on, for promoting your venture?

I have no shortage of prospects, I’ve run Indie Artists Alliance for over 5 years and even though I sold off my production company, I still offer CD and DVD production services through my main company Media Media Inc. In addition, I am co-owner of Nationwide Barcode.

Nationwide Barcode, also an E-junkie's client, provides up and barcodes to companies individuals getting product to market which includes a lot of independent musicians.

What is your vision for 'iMuzic' as a whole? Where do you project it to see 2 years from now?

I see iMuzic as the go-to website for content holders who want to combine the best of physical product with digital downloads.  Because of the robust features of E-Junkie, and our being the least expensive provide for plastic and laminated index cards, we have a rampable and scalable business. There are no limits to what we can do. We currently offer three styles of cards but are already looking at expanding our product offerings to include several eco-friendly alternatives.

Since you've recently started up, one can look up to you for the best advice. What message do you have for them?

I always make myself available to my clients. Clients are the heart and soul of a business and I pride myself of giving beyond-the-call excellent customer support. I am always available by phone or email. We’ve even created a discount coupon code for anyone who wants to buy iMuzic Download Cards. Just use coupon code INTRO when checking out and you’ll get a 20% discount on your purchase.

Here's a demo video that explains best what iMuzic is all about:

Phil, thanks for enlightening with iMuzic's concept. It is a great start up and I am sure it has a long way to go. Good luck!

Check out iMuzic.com.

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