If you have ever used 'Password' as a password (or 123456 for that matter) then you must continue reading this post, because I'm sure you will find lot of things that you've been ignorant of.

For those who are brimming with pride by using complicated passwords, should think again...do you have the same password for all your accounts?

Yes?...continue reading please.

There are a lot of bad technological habits programmed within us that could consequently lead to a situation where we could either feel exposed, cheated, embarrassed or could potentially lose our job. Have look at these 20 big no no's and if you are guilty of even one of them...then fix it, before it's too late.

1. Not Backing Up Your Hard Drive: 

Sooner or later every hard drive crashes, so when it comes to securing your data, try not to live on the edge and backup your files.

2. Replying to Spam: 

I know you must be thinking 'of course I know this' but even if you are clicking on 'unsubscribe me' or 'remove link', you are indirectly responding to spam; unless of course its a legitimate site.

3. Having the Same Password For All Your Accounts: 

I know that it is far more systematic and convenient to have the same password for all your accounts, but think about...one tiny glitch and your password might lead a hacker to your bank accounts, credit cards and your entire identity.

4. Taking Your Laptop To The Bathroom: 

Let's face it, taking your laptop to potty is kinda pushing it. It's nature's call, let nature do its business. And you would really regret if you end up spilling water over it...and it would even harder (rather embarrassing) to explain what happened.

5. Clustering your Desktop with Files: 

Wallpapers are there for a reason, so why would you wanna ruin the image by scattering random files all over it. Get a little systematic, create folders in different drives; trust me it'll only help you in getting your work a little organized.

6. Taking Your Camera to the Beach:

If you are going there strictly to take pictures, then ignore this point. But if you are going there for some fun time then try to leave your SLR behind, you don't like sand all over you, you won't like it on your camera as well...unless you carry a waterproof bag for it.

7. Not Encrypting Your External Hard Drive:

Although it is very smart to have an external hard drive and duplicating your data in there, but it would be a very bad idea not to encrypt it. What will you do if someone steals it? Or worse, steals both your laptop and your external hard drive.

8. Not Having a 'For Everything Else' Email ID:

I always make it a point not to give my primary email ID when I am subscribing to newsletters or perhaps sharing my email ID with someone when I really don't want to. Create a disposable email ID...you won't believe how handy it can turn out to be.

9. Drunk Tweeting, Facebooking or Blogging:

There is nothing more embarrassing than reading your sent text messages after a drunken night, but that's just few people. Imagine drunk texting in form of status updates, tweets or God forbid blog posts...you'll end up making a fool of yourself in front of thousands, or maybe million people.

10. Ignoring Security Softwares:

Many of us have a habit of turning a blind eye to security software updates, in fact surprisingly many of us don't even have an antivirus software on our systems. Now that's just willingly jumping into fire. You'll find many free antivirus softwares out there...and it takes few minutes to install.

11. Talking about Technology all the Time:

There is nothing more tormenting than listening to my Aunt talk about her 8 cats all the bloody time. But wait, there is...my geeky brother, who is always talking about all these new softwares, gadgets and new technology 24/7. Although I love technology, but you don't have to rub it in every single conversation.

12. Traveling or Driving with Your Laptop Switched On:

Taking your operating laptop to a bus, while driving or in a subway is a 'very bad idea' because a spinning hard drive on the move has a huge possibility of crashing. And if you are guilty of sin#1 and this one too...then sorry to break it to you...it's a recipe for disaster.

13. Using Your Laptop on a Bed:

Another bad idea, because this way you are depriving your laptop from breathing. Placing it on a cushion or your mattress blocks its ventilation points and results in overheating.

14. Using Your Mouse All The Time:

There are more functions of a keyboard than typing an email or a document. Ever heard of something called keyboard shortcuts? Try it sometime, you'll end up working faster. There are many more shortcuts in this world than Ctrl+C and Ctrl +V.

15. Not Switching Off Your Phone in a Hospital or a Movie: 

If you can't switch it off, then atleast have the courtesy of switching it to silent mode. Every movie that I go to, there is that one person who doesn't seem to know that a 'silent mode' exists on the phone. And I think there should be an arrest warrant for such people when it comes to hospitals.

16. Playing Angry Birds On Your Smartphone While Sitting on a Beach:

Agreed that that Angry Bird can get very (very very) addictive, but staring at the sunset is far more addictive and satisfying. Don't let technology take over your right to peace and serenity.

17. Not Using Security for your Smartphone:

Many of us tend to ignore the fact that our phone is susceptible to spam as well. There are endless applications that can not only keep spammers at bay but also back up your phone. I use 'Lookout' app for my Android phone.

18. Releasing Your Frustration on your Laptop or Phone:

Lets be honest, how many times have we banged or thrown our phone (or atleast wished) after having an unpleasant conversation. How many times have felt that urge to smash that laptop screen after reading a stinker from your boss?

Endless in my case...but let's try to take this frustration out somewhere else...I bet a jog in the park can do the trick.

19. Keeping your Laptop Connected to Power Charger After Shutting Down:

Let's put it this way, once your laptop's battery is fully charged, if you continue charging it, it will back fire. Overcharging the battery results in reducing your laptop's battery life.

20. In Case of Earthquake Hit Exit...Not Tweet Button!
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