The other day I was discussing with my colleague about the number of bloggers we have featured on our blog. And to our surprise, (yet, not so surprised) the number of women bloggers exceeded the number of men bloggers. No, I am not biased towards featuring women bloggers but I guess there's something more effective in their blogs, rather their blogging style.

My quest to learn more about women in blogging world increased and then I stumbled upon 'The Women Bloggers Society'. It is an excellent center for women to learn, connect and share information about blogging, social media, internet marketing and much more. You'll find truly useful blogging education tools on LBS. Moreover, you can become a part of Social Online Conference held by LBS, due on 3-5 February, 2012. You can build an awesome network over LBS Community which has more than 1500 members presently.

Now let me introduce you to its author, 'Stepfanie Cuevas' who is a freelance writer and a serial entrepreneur. She is passionate about blogging and networking, helping many bloggers on developing their blogging skills. Let's learn more about her in the interview below:

Stepfanie, let's start with a brief introduction of yours.

My name is Stepfanie Cuevas. It's spelled that way on purpose. You can take that up with my mother, apparently she wanted my name to be different from other Stephanie's or Stefanie's. So, Thanks mom...

I am a blogger and writer. I write for parenting, social media, and entrepreneur websites and print publications. I am the Founding Editor of TheLadyBloggers.com as well as the organizer of the Social Online Conference, a blogging conference completely online. I am a wife and mother, but that's all rather boring :)

Tell us about your wonderful blog 'The Lady Bloggers'. What is it all about?

I call it The Blog for Blogging Women because essentially that is what it is. We have a combination of guest posts in addition to articles I write. I write about everything that pertains to blogging, writing, social networking, and Internet Marketing. It goes even further than that though. You can also find blog posts about managing life, getting past women stereotypes and more.

What inspired you to start 'The Lady Bloggers Society'? Tell us about its inception.

Well, it was a dream within a dream. Oh, I apologize. The word Inception through me off a bit :)
I started blogging as a mom blogger. I wrote about my daily life, about my daughter, and work. This was as a way not to go insane and to connect with other moms. The more I blogged the more I loved blogging. I started The Lady Bloggers Society and started writing about blogging, more of as a way to learn about it myself. In a year it turned into this information center for women bloggers with 3,000 subscribers.

'The Blog for Blogging Women' is what we call your blog. So what about men bloggers out there? ;)

I call it The Blog For Blogging Women, but if men like to read it, that's even better. We recently had an Online Conference for Bloggers, and one of our speakers was a guy. He started his session saying "I have a lot to live up to ". I say it's the blog for blogging women because, well it's pink. I love pink. That, and not only are there posts about blogging and social media, but you can also find articles about time management for moms, getting your husband to understand why you blog, and other blog posts like that. But I love it when I get re-tweets and e-mails from men bloggers who find our blog posts just as useful.

During the initial days of blogging, what was the biggest challenge you faced?

The biggest challenge I faced was trying not to sound like a know it all. I don't know it all. In fact, I barely know anything. I blogged about blogging because I loved it, and wanted to know more. To blog, even to write, you have to do a lot of research about your topic. When I would write a blog post about finding new ideas, I'd have to do at least a half hour of research alone. I was learning at the same time. I also had to learn to write as a student would, and to come off to my readers as a student. Not a teacher. On the blog, I also let my readers know that I'm not a blogging expert, but a blogger who does tons of research, and relays the findings of my research.

Your blog is so much admired over the web. What is the key to a successful blog? Give us a few valuable tips.

Oh wow, that's exciting news! I think the key to a successful blog, no matter what anyone says, is content. No matter how much you network on Facebook and Twitter, you have to have something to promote. If that material isn't something worthy of promoting, well, then it's pointless isn't it? Write content that is useful to readers, has a personal touch, and a creative headline. Do that, and your blog will be as successful as they come.

How blogging has helped you both professionally as well as personally?

Personally, it has helped me discover myself. Writing helps you find a voice that you otherwise couldn't hear. I was very shy before. I still am, but blogging has helped me feel more comfortable with people, networking, writing, and be confident that what I have to say is important. Even the un-important stuff.

Professionally, blogging has helped me tremendously. I am networking with the greatest PR people, businesses, brands, and growing my resume every single day.

Share with us your fondest memory with 'The Lady Bloggers'.

My fondest memory would have to be our Lady Blogger Social Online Conference. This was a dream of mine for some time. I knew I wanted to do some sort of blogging conference, but I could never find the time or funds to make it happen. I was sure other bloggers were in the same predicament. So I created an online conference for bloggers that they could attend form the comfort of home. It was a huge success and I received so much positive feedback. It was a huge accomplishment for me and a dream come true.

Let's have a rapid fire:

Let's do it!!!

5 things you can't do without?

Daughter #1
Daughter #2
Jasmine Tea
(not in that order of course)

One blogging tool you can't do without?

Google Chrome Internet Browser. Super fast and all the Apps and Extensions make blogging and networking a breeze.

The most influential person in your life?

My mother. My mother and my grandmother came here from the Philippines 30 years ago, with a suitcase, no money, and handful of English words. Now my mother is the most successful person I know. I take that drive as a way of truly believing I can achieve anything in life.

One line that keeps you going?

"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." Matthew 6:34

Tea or coffee?

Tea. Aren't you reading my interview?? :P

Your favorite blog?

WorkAwesome.com. They have "awesome" tips about working, blogging, freelancing, living, and so much more!

In free time, you......?

Play tennis. I have an 18 year old sister who was #1 on her high school tennis team. She also has it in her mind that my 4 year old will be the next grand slam champion.

Music is also big in my family. We love attending concerts and live shows. My ticket stub collection pours out of boxes. I also only minimally regret buying a drum set for my daughter. Just a tad.

Many other bloggers would draw inspiration from you. What message do you have for them?

I think Walt Disney said it best, "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." It's all about not being scared to do what you want. You want to be a writer? Write. You want to start an online business? Do it. You want to travel the world? Go for it. Write out all your steps, and start with Step 1.

Stepfanie, I absolutely agree with you. One should just go for it and dreams will definitely turn into reality. Thanks for being with us. It was a nice experience learning about you and I am sure every blogging women reading this interview will check out your blog. Good luck!

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1 Response to 'Blog Of The Week: "The Lady Bloggers Society" By Stepfanie Cuevas, A-One Center For Blogging Women'

  1. Gina @ mommyposh.com Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/blog-of-week-lady-bloggers-society-by.html?showComment=1314152616680#c7330236038469150107'> August 23, 2011 at 7:23 PM

    Congrats Stepfanie! I am a member of LBS and attended the first online conference, not only was it educational but I met some really great new bloggy friends. Stepfanie has been great to network with..keep doing what you are doing!


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