
This is a Guest Post from James.

In this fast-paced era, people want everything right at the moment! If they decide to buy something this moment, they want to own it the very next moment. Internet users bounce off from a site if it takes longer than a few seconds for it to begin loading. No one can picture using dial up anymore so why stick to traditional methods when there are newer, faster and easier ones out there? This definitely strikes in one’s mind when making a payment. We are quite habitual of handing the clerk our plastic to swipe and walk out the door the next second with our purchase.

Last week, a credit card purchase was taking what seemed like forever and I asked the clerk if my card was working. She replied no “it’s our machine that runs on dial up” and I couldn't believe it. It took forever and pushed me away from going back there, even if they make a mean white chocolate mocha.

When I asked her why they still ran on a dial up modem, she answered that its merchant account fees were the lowest. That intrigued me as it is not an industry I thought about before, let alone understood.

I went home and did some research on merchant accounts to see their types and the fees associated with them. It was then that I stumbled upon Pay Anywhere, a software and device combo that turns a smartphone into a mobile credit card terminal. WOW! I thought as I read more about it. I had to sign up as I am constantly turning sales down at expos because I previously didn’t accept them. The sign up was easy and I was able (even though I didn’t) to start accepting credit cards as soon as the application was installed. It didn’t take too long for the fee reader to get to me and I was super excited to try it out at the next expo. The fees was not much but I did adjust my prices so I would end up getting the amount I originally wanted for the item after the fees was subtracted. I even offered a “cash discount” which was just my original asking price.

The device was a customer attractor itself. Everyone was intrigued by it and wanted to see it in use. Customers felt safe using it as I explained that no data is stored on the reader or phone during the process. Majority of them enjoyed signing with their fingers. The coolest thing I find about it is the way it handles receipts. Instead of printing it on those skinny credit card papers we are all used to stuffing in our wallets or purses, it emails the customer a digital receipt with purchase details and even an image of the item they bought (you have to upload them into inventory before hand).

This is something that I accidentally found but I’m happy I did. My sales increased at the first expo I used it at, and I actually saw an increase in cash sales since customers took advantage of the “cash discount” I offered. My second favorite thing I did was getting a few friends to pay me back. I was so tired of hearing “ughh I’m sorry I don’t have any cash on me if we pass an ATM…” instead I just whipped out the machine and swiped their card.

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