An organization is a community that consists of customers, potential customers, ex-customers, investors, employees, suppliers and owners. A community that works together towards reaching individual and/or collective goals. In a community every individual has its own opinion and ideas, some of them can turn out to be quite beneficial and plant ideas that can reap fruitful results in the future. While some of them can lead to new strategies and most of them can turn out to a total waste of time.

But as a business owner, you must ensure that every voice is heard, every opinion is taken into consideration and make the most out of them. Other than ideas, you must be open to constructive feedback, and also keep a close eye on the success or failure of your recent projects, products, campaigns or services.

The most productive method for such a task is conducting surveys and it goes without saying that such surveys have a positive impact on your organization since it brings you closer to your community and increases interactivity.

Conducting surveys may have been a monumental and time consuming job 20 years ago, but today just click on 'Questions' feature on your Facebook page, ask a question, put in couple of options and you are good to go.  But then there are times when you need to be a little more professional, a little more organized and little more precise. Don't get me wrong, I think Facebook's Questions feature is a great tool for instantly reaching out to your fans, but sometimes you need more than a simple Q&A survey.

There are tons of survey tools available online, but we would like to present the best ones to you.  Here are my top 3:


Poll Daddy is one of the oldest online survey tool available today. In 2008 it was acquired by Automattic, the company that owns Wordpress as well. 

Through this site you can:

  • Conduct Surveys in form of multiple choice questions, free text or Likert Scales (psychometric scale). 
  • Create simple one question polls and publish it to your website. You can also customize and make it look beautiful using various fonts, colors or images. 
  • Take an online quiz for your employees or customers and add some fun to your site. 
  • Get your content rated by your community by simply adding five-star ratings or Nero rating widgets to your articles, images, videos, comments or just about anything. 
  • Use your iPhone or iPad to survey customers, employees or random people on-the-spot. 

Pricing and Plans

Poll Daddy offers three types of plans: Free, Professional ($200 per year) and Corporate ($899 per year). 


Founded in 2006, Survery Gizmo has come a long way since its inception. Today they have customers in more than 60 countries who conduct surveys in more than 120 nations.

Other than creating online survey, polls or website forms you can:

  • Try their tutorials that gives you a better understanding about building surveys quickly and easily. 
  • Attend free weekly webinars and get answers to your questions on-the-spot.
  • Download their extensive guide that covers everything that you can do with survey gizmo. 
  • Read their how-to articles which provides some interesting ideas and tips on conducting surveys more efficiently.
  • Also hire an expert for conducting surveys for you. This expert can also provide private training session as well. 

Pricing and Plans

You can give Survey Gizmo a try through their 14 day free trial plan, they also provide free accounts for students and non-profit organizations. Other than that they have three plans: Enterprise ($159 per month), Professional ($49 per month) and Personal ($19 per month).


Scott, the founder of Qualtrics began his journey by conducting surveys among his close friends and his MBA students. And today Qualtrics has conducted more than hundred million surveys, “From basement to the big leagues” is how they like to put it.

If you are looking for extensive survey practices then Qualtrics is the perfect solution for you. What I like the most about them is that their surveys are visually appealing and that is an important aspect when it comes to conducting surveys. Here are some interesting features that makes their surveys fun and appealing:

  • You can choose from their extensive library of survey templates covering various topics and industries.
  • You can add images or graphics to your surveys.
  • It's extremely easy to embed videos to your questions.
  • They also let your randomize your surveys and incorporate an assortment of multiple choice, questions or blocks of questions in one survey. 
  • Customize text for each respondent and personalize surveys with their name and information.
  • Allow respondents to download files within the survey.
  • Add custom JavaScript to questions, view question source to edit HTML coding and customize survey samples templates with CSS editor. 
  • Brand your surveys with logos and colors. 
  • Translate questions, messages and emails into 48 languages. 
  • Provide live online training for free covering various aspects of conducting a survey. 

Above points are about creating your online survey, when it comes to distributing these surveys, Qualtrics Meter is a great feature that lets you customize settings, schedule reminder messages, send thank you messages, create unique ID for each recipient, embed data, track reponses and much more.

The final stage (perhaps the most important) is Analysis & Reporting, and this too comes with loads of features like: graphs for just about anything, filter data, drill downs, questions statistics tables, export reports, share real-time reporting dashboards with others, export individual responses, cross tabulations, cross tabulation analysis, scoring & grading...phew!...and much more.

Like I said before, if you are looking for some extensive and highly customized survey tool, then you must go for Qualtrics.

They do not have pricing and plans mentioned on their website, you can give their free account a try to get a taste of what they are all about. Else, you can request a quote.

Although there are many more survey tools available, but in my list these three are the top three. What about you? Have you tried conducting surveys before? Share your experience with us on the comment section below.

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3 Responses to 'Top 3 Tools For Conducting Professional Online Surveys'

  1. Linh Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/top-3-tools-for-conducting-professional.html?showComment=1322034300353#c1930681039368421861'> November 23, 2011 at 12:45 AM

    I wanted to add http://www.mobosurvey.com to this list of survey tools. Mobosurvey helps you quickly create online surveys that are accessible from any internet capable devices. The surveys have the native look and feel of the user's device.


  2. Ejunkieblog Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/top-3-tools-for-conducting-professional.html?showComment=1322112624321#c3473193947499450043'> November 23, 2011 at 10:30 PM

    Thank you Linh for sharing Mobosurvey with us. It seems to be a promising tool and we can't wait to review it. :)


  3. maverick jack Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/top-3-tools-for-conducting-professional.html?showComment=1342683448167#c2438087354698757537'> July 19, 2012 at 12:37 AM

    Thank you For Sharing also try this 


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