Onibalusi Bamidele is a young blogger, freelance writer and internet entrepreneur. Yes- he manages to do it all at a young age of 17. He blogs at YoungPrePro, a place where you will find very useful content about making money online and getting traffic to your blog. Onibalusi writes in a fashion that readers get connected and identify themselves easily.

He can be very inspiring for those who aspire to make a mark online. Let's know certain things about him like the most fulfilling moment for him, his blogging journey, inception of his blog and much more in the interview below:

Onibalusi, let's start with a brief introduction of yours.

I'm Onibalusi Bamidele, a 17 year old Nigerian blogger and freelance writer, and the founder of YoungPrePro.com which is a top blog that teaches people how to get traffic and money by writing.

Tell us about your wonderful blog 'YoungPrePro'. What is it all about?

YoungPrePro is a blog started to help others achieve their dreams of getting fame and money by writing. The word YoungPrePro was coined out of the fact that is is being ran by a young and upcoming professional'. YoungPrePro has also been featured on Micheal Dunlop's list of some of the top blogs owned by young bloggers making money online.

Tell us about the inception of your blog. 

It all started late in 2009 when I first heard about the concept of making money online. The method that was being promoted to me then was forex marketing but it made me realize the power of the internet and how someone can create a successful business just by sitting in front of his/her computer. I spent almost a year looking for ways to make money but just can't find what will work for me. In fact, it resulted in me wasting my time and money on online surveys, paid to read and paid to click sites. It was during my research that I came across an article by Steve Pavlina which talked about the importance of giving a lot of free value to your readers without expecting anything in return. I decided to start a blog as a result and in April 2010 YoungPrePro was formed. With time my aim changed but my main focus with it now is to help other writers get traffic and make money from their writing.

You started blogging at such a young age. What was the inspiration?

I've always dreamed about great things and I love daydreamers. From a very young age, I have thought about making money online without much efforts and as a result I make effective use of the opportunities that make this goal a reality. My inspiration is simply my passion for achieving great things without putting in much efforts.

Do you think 'making money online' is an overrated subject?

Well, I do, and I don't. It depends on which side of the fence you are. If you're making great money online then you will see how powerful it is and the great potential it holds but if you're yet to start making money online and you try and fail then you might think it is exaggerated. I know many people have heard this and might not want to hear it again, but, making money online is easy. It is all about having the right approach and executing it smartly.

According to you, what should a blogger focus on, primarily? What is the most crucial factor in blogging?

Differentiation. It doesn't matter how great your content is, there is just too much competition out there and the only thing that can help you succeed is differentiation - great content would hardly make a difference without the right USP.

What are the top 3 bloggers/blog you draw inspiration from? 

In no particular order:

- ThinkTraffic.net by Corbett Barr
- SmartPassiveIncome.com by Pat Flynn
- Viperchill.com by Glen Allsopp

Share your fondest memory with 'YoungPrePro'.

It was the moment I had my first 1000 visitor day. I have submitted guest posts to big blogs that were rejected but after consistently trying I was able to get published on an A-list blog which ended up sending me over a thousand visitors in one day and hundreds of subscribers - I kept on checking my stats every minute to see when the traffic will stop. It was a great memory that changed my life forever, and as a result I have made guest blogging a priority in my blogging career.

What would you like to advise a young aspiring blogger?

Believe in yourself, look for an audience and make yourself stand out and focus your efforts on marketing your blog with the best of your efforts.

A final message for our readers?

Don't make conclusions without trying. No matter what the general consensus about a particular thing is, you can never know its outcome unless you try.

Oni, thank you for sharing your blogging journey and insight with us. I had a great time learning about you. Wish you all the success.

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3 Responses to 'Interview With Onibalusi Bamidele, The Young Inspiring Blogger & Entrepreneur At YoungPrePro'

  1. Guideessay Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/interview-with-onibalusi-bamidele-young.html?showComment=1314160270244#c3930147453747618148'> August 23, 2011 at 9:31 PM

    Thank you for this excellent & thoughtful post, so full of ideas that I have printed it out so i can read again & your post motivated me..
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  2. Ejunkieblog Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/interview-with-onibalusi-bamidele-young.html?showComment=1314163798179#c8530255082973028910'> August 23, 2011 at 10:29 PM

    We couldn't be more glad...:). All thanks to Oni for all the motivation.


  3. Igbalaye Olayemi Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/interview-with-onibalusi-bamidele-young.html?showComment=1336828043268#c1310141212458872578'> May 12, 2012 at 6:07 AM

    Oni is a great writer and is doing well with YoungPrePro.i wish all Nigerian bloggers success.


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