
Daily Blog Tips is a fast paced blog where you can find useful tips, tricks and methods to improve your blog. The ace blogger behind DBT is Daniel Scocco who delivers useful content based on his experience and expertise in blogging. Having a background in International Economics, Daniel also provides consulting services to various companies and organizations.

At DBT, you'll find articles on blog design, SEO, promotion, monetization and more. Also, the blog was nominated under the “Best Web Development Blog” category in the 2007 Weblog Awards, and currently it is ranked among the 500 most popular blogs in the world (according to Technorati) and among the 100 most popular marketing blogs in the world (according to AdvertisingAge).

It is a pleasure for us to feature 'Daily Blog Tips' as 'Blog Of The Week' on our blog. We contacted its author Daniel (who is also a proud author of Daily Writing Tips) for a small interview to share his journey through his blog. Catch it below:

Daniel, please introduce yourself to E-junkies.

My name is Daniel Scocco, and I have been working on the Internet since 2005. I have several blogs and websites, and they make money via advertising, affiliate marketing and by selling products and services.

Firstly, let's talk about your very interesting blog 'Daily Blog Tips'. What is it all about?

I launched this blog back in 2006. At the time I was already seeing a relative success with some other blogs of mine, so I decided to create Daily Blog Tips to share the tips and tricks I was learning along the way.

Over the years the community of readers grew a lot, and today that is the only site where I still write actively, mostly for the fun of it (on all others I have paid writers and editors).

When did you start blogging?

Back in 2005 when I got my degree in International Economics I was left with a big document that I had prepared for my thesis. I had put a lot of effort into researching and writing it out, but I was sure that apart from myself only two people would end up reading it, my teacher and my father….

Instead of letting the document sit idle and gather dust, therefore, I decided to chop it off into small articles and publish them on the web.

That is when I started researching about web publishing models, and when I came across blogging. I built my first blogs with raw HTML files, and after a while I discovered WordPress and became a loyal user.

After university I started working for a multinational company (inside the marketing department), but one year there was enough to make me realize that I didn’t want to work inside large companies. In fact I didn’t want to work to anyone else, I wanted to have my own business, so I quit my job and started working full time with online projects. That was late in 2006 if I remember well.

What inspired you to start blogging after working in corporate world for one year?

The corporate world was definitely not for me, and one year was enough to learn that. I guess I couldn't stand having someone to tell me what to do, when to do it and so on.

Second, I had many ideas, and the politics and bureaucracy of large organizations make it almost impossible to implement those. That is why I decided to start working online projects, and the Internet has virtually no limitations regarding what you can do.

Your blog was nominated under 'Best Web Development Blog' category in the 2007 Weblog Awards. That's amazing! How did your blog become so famous in a span of just 2 years?

I guess the community aspect was quite important. In fact that nomination came spontaneously if I am not wrong, meaning that readers of the blog saw the award and nominated the blog because they felt part of it.

What are the three basic essentials for a Blog to have to stand in this competitive blogging world?

First of all you need to have high quality and unique content. Unless you have that there's no promotional or marketing tactics in the world that are going to help you. People must like your content so much that they will want to share it with others.

Second, you need to have consistency. If you publish some cool posts for two months and then take a break for two more months you'll pretty much need to start from scratch once you start publishing again. You need to publish content regularly if you want visitors to return to your site regularly.

Third, learning a bit of the technical side of things (e.g., HTML, CSS, SEO, PHP) will definitely give you an edge over the competition.

How has blogging helped you grow professionally as well as personally?

Personally it helped me to become more disciplined. I had this idea to stick a "Daily" in front of my blog's name, and when I realized it was too late! Luckily I managed to handle it, as there weren't a single week day where I didn't publish a post in the past four years or so.

Professionally it helped me to expand my network and to connect with people who contributed to many different projects.

What has been the most joyous moment for your blog?

It's pretty nice when readers of my sites take the time to send me an email thanking me for the content they have just read.

What are the other things that interests you?

My main interests are technology, the Internet and business. My goal is to build a web startup in the coming years, as a way to combine all these things.

Many other bloggers would draw inspiration from you. What message do you have for them?

You can't fail if you don't quit!

Daniel, thanks for this wonderful interview. Your blog is a great resource for useful tips and tricks on blogging and we wish you all the success with it.

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1 Response to 'Blog Of The Week: Daily Blog Tips, Improve Your Blog With Daniel Scocco'

  1. Season Forenjoying Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/blog-of-week-daily-blog-tips-improve.html?showComment=1379849657973#c3596309215542575508'> September 22, 2013 at 4:34 AM

    interesting post



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