Well I think its a little bit of both!

Zack Seckler is the kind of photographer who likes to put a lot of thought before taking a picture. A picture that seems nothing more than ordinary to begin with, but with every passing second the irony in the picture starts to hit you. And then comes a subtle smile.:) I can see a little bit of mockery of our idiosyncrasies as well in there.

This series is called "Less Than Ordinary" and here are couple of my favorite photographs by Zack:

Visit Zack's website to learn more about his photography.
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1 Response to 'Conceptual Photography By Zack Seckler. Do I Smell Irony...Or Is It Humor?'

  1. Julie Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/conceptual-photography-by-zack-seckler.html?showComment=1312735890593#c1318533468194412919'> August 7, 2011 at 9:51 AM

    This collection is definite art. Credit to the photographers!


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