Every city in this world has a story to tell, every location has some history behind it and every person visiting a new place must make efforts to discover these stories. Like most of the travelers out there, I make it a point to send a postcard (hopefully with an interesting story) of every new place that I visit to my friends and family. Although, with time the entire concept of sending post cards will eventually fade away, thanks to smartphones and endless location-based photo sharing applications.

Tagwhat is an app for iPhone and Android that not only lets you send virtual postcards but also discover hidden stories and fun facts everywhere you go.  With "Great Stories at Places" as their tagline, Tagwhat aims to let users not only discover but also share interesting stories that are presented in form of text, images, video or audio.

"All you have to do is look through your mobile like a window. With Tagwhat, stories pop us as 'tags' right on top of their actual locations in real life. Turn around and watch as stories updates based in where you're looking!" explains the website.



Tagwhat has its own research team who discover stories to be shared through this app,  they've also partnered with content writers who bring new information to the table, you too can submit a story if you like. 

It basically uses your phone's camera to figure the best story to tell you, so when you launch the application, it activates your camera and displays pop-ups featuring words, video or audio based on real-life locations. Pretty fun 'eh!

"Tagwhat uses the GPS, compass, and video camera of your mobile device to bring the stories around you to life. Together, the GPS and compass determine where you are and where you’re looking. Then, we place the stories as digital “tags” on top of your video camera view, an approach known as “augmented reality”. Bam! Stories hover over the places where they belong and update automatically as you look around and move through the world."

Check out this video explaining how Tagwhat works:

So when it comes to sharing interesting stories of places that you visit, you can do so through a unique digital postcard that can be shared via Facebook or Twitter. You can also send an email if you like. What I like the most about this app is that they've very neatly presented these stories through various channels like Food, Art, Music, Nature, Sports, Heritage etc.

The only shortcoming is that this app is currently available for cities in US only, but this world is a huge place and it will take some time for them to expand their horizon. You can always virtually visit these cities in US though, and learn fun stuff about famous places like New York City, Washington DC or Los Angeles etc.

TagWhat's founder Dave Elchoness send us an update that I was looking forward to:

"Big news! Tagwhat's web-publishing is now ready for your stories. You can now easily place rich videos, images, and audio at any location on the globe, including links to websites, email addresses, phone numbers, and more for mobile users to engage with on the spot.  Here's how:
1. Go to http://www.publish.tagwhat.com.  
2. Create an account. This shouldn't take more than 30 seconds.
3. Start creating content by tapping on the "Create Tag" button above.  
Each story you submit will be reviewed by Tagwhat's staff before it is published to ensure a high quality user experience, but be assured you will get a response from us quickly and can always contact us if there is an urgent need."

iPhone users can visit iTtunes to download this app.
Android users can visit Android market.

This app is a free download.


So check it out, and let us know if you liked it!

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2 Responses to 'Tagwhat App: Discover Stories & Fun Facts Where Ever You Go (Update)'

  1. https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/tagwhat-app-discover-stories-fun-facts.html?showComment=1312818844005#c3805375576579590779'> August 8, 2011 at 8:54 AM

    Thanks for the very thoughtful article. Our publishing platform is coming soon. This will allow anyone worldwide to publish their own place based stories in Tagwhat.


  2. Ejunkieblog Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/tagwhat-app-discover-stories-fun-facts.html?showComment=1312869071335#c8062333585743068892'> August 8, 2011 at 10:51 PM

    You are most welcome Dave. :) We will look forward to Tagwhat's new publishing platform. ....Your team is doing a great job.


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