Ron English is the kind of artist who people love to talk about, very often he is referred as 'celebrated prankster' who creates art not only on a canvas but also on the streets, books, billboards and television. 

"His signature style employs a mash-up of high and low cultural touchstones, including comic superhero mythology and totems of art history, to create a visual language of evolution." describes his website. The artist himself has been very kind to spare some time to answer couple of our questions, read further to learn more about Ron English in his own words:

To start with, tell us a bit about yourself. What motivates you or inspires you?

I wake up every morning with a new idea. I try to create as many as possible.

Apart from creating wonderful paintings, what other interests do you have?

Watching TV.

Your street art is both fascinating and inspiring. We would love to know the thought process behind this art work and also your favorite street art .

I like the broken white lines they paint down the middle of the highway. I would like to get access to one of those machines they use to paint them.

How and where do you promote your work?

Mostly blogs and my website.

We read about few campaigns run by you named 'Think Different' and 'Cancer Kids'. What are they about? Tell us about current campaigns that you're working on.

They are counter campaigns that tell the other side of the story. Currently I am giving a little unsolicited help to the itunes Beatle campaign by replacing John with Yoko in the ads.

Tell our readers about the award winning documentary “POPaganda, the Art and Crimes of Ron English"

Pedro Carvajal followed me for five years gathering evidence.

Which creation possessed by you is closest to your heart?

My lungs.

What was the turning point in your life? What gained you so much recognition?

It was more of a slow curve than a turning point. Bright colors.

You named your website 'popaganda.com'. What does the word 'popaganda' signify?


What do you have to say about eCommerce? How useful you find it and probably what can be its disadvantages?

Saves gas. A disadvantage might be the fact you can engage it at four in the morning drunk.

Which is that one valuable advice you would like to give to an aspiring artist?

If you ever catch yourself saying "someone should make a painting of…" well, that's what you should paint. Also don't worry what people think, having a clue isn't a prerequisite to having an opinion.

Thanks Ron for taking the time for us. We will look forward to many more creations by you. 

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