They say that a picture is worth a thousand words...true, but what about the times when you have nothing but words to explain a picture. 

Micheal David Murphy, a professional photographer and writer started this website when he had to leave his camera behind during a trip in Ethiopia. "If we take photographs to remember, what do we do when we're not taking photographs?" he says.

UNphotographable is a website where Michael shares a photograph through words. The times when a camera wasn't handy or allowed, times when you wish to had a camera to capture a perfect moment.

"Photos never taken that weren't meant to be forgotten. Opportunities missed. Simple failures. Occasions when I wished I'd taken the picture, or not forgotten the camera, or had been brave enough to click the shutter." he says.

Not only are these stories published on the website, but also exhibited in Torrance Art Museum. An installation consisting of grid of nine framed 'UNphotographs' placed on a wall.

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