We have featured some brilliant and truly unique artists in the past who are one-of-a-kind in what they do, from recycled toy sculptures to clocks made out of antique vinyl records, from dark art to a knitted Ferrari.

Herb Williams too is one-of-a-kind artist in his field, he creates detailed and artistic sculptures out of hundreds and thousands of crayons.

"Crayons are a gateway drug. To most adults, the sight and smell of crayons produce specific memories of childhood. The twist in the road to nostalgia is the creation of a new object, from a medium in which it is not intended. The element of unexpected interaction and play had me at hello." shares the artist.

Herb is the only individual in the world holding an account with Crayola, thanks to thousands of orders that he gives on a regular basis. Have a look at some of his many creations that can bring inspiration to any artist of any kind:

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2 Responses to 'Crayon Sculptures By Herb Williams'

  1. http://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/01/crayon-sculptures-by-herb-williams.html?showComment=1326365181841#c7677541811181456374'> January 12, 2012 at 3:46 AM

    I like the smell of crayon too!!... Coloring and drawing are beautiful childhood memories to me...Just curious how to keep these crayons together? would like to try a mini version.


  2. Ejunkieblog Said,
    http://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/01/crayon-sculptures-by-herb-williams.html?showComment=1326371662534#c7681609987367018061'> January 12, 2012 at 5:34 AM

    We would to check out your version of it. Do share it once you are done. :)


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