After the Victorian Era, Terrariums began to lose their glory, although over the course of time many have tried to regain its lost popularity and terrariums did manage to make a comeback but perhaps not at the same level.
Thanks to some botanic enthusiasts who still appreciate its beauty, uses and creativity. Katy Maslow and Michelle Inciarrano are such two wonderful ladies who discovered their love for creating truly intriguing terrariums.
Katy is a bachelor degree holder in creative writing, whereas Michelle is a photography student; together they formed a team to launch their Brooklyn Based Business called "Trig Terrariums".
“The fine-art side of us is totally satisfied by this, and the craft side too,” says Katy who also maintains a website; on the other hand Michelle admits that "I had not thought of terrariums once in my whole life." They decided to not only to create beautiful terrariums but also incorporate their findings with figurines which adds a tinge of good humor in their creations.
They collect antique and vintage containers, apart from their findings during their travels, the figurines used in these jars portray a still scene in an area full of wonderful flora and fauna. You might need a magnifying glass to actually see and appreciate the detailed work in side a little glass jar.
Currently they sell their stuff through displays in Brooklyn Flea, and also arrange special orders within New York City. How I wish that there were more people who believed in what they create, and not worry if their product is the 'trend' or not; 'coz if you are original and determined you can create your own niche market. Just like Katy and Michelle who have poured in all their creativity to give rebirth to long lost form of art.
(Image is published in Twig Terrarium's Facebook Page)

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