John Breen is a computer programmer who came with the idea of Freerice.com while helping his son to score better in his SAT. He created an online word game that can help not only children but also adults in improving their vocabulary.
John was also operating another website: 'poverty.com', that informed people about issues related with hunger all over the world. Later, he merged both the websites and launched Freerice.com.
It is a clever yet noble idea that indulges people in playing online games, and while doing so they help in contributing to the society and help in providing food to someone in need.
Freerice.com is full of games related not only to vocabulary but also Geography, Chemistry, Math, Foreign languages and even Art. Whenever you answer a question correctly you donate 10 grains of rice. One does not have to donate money to help them in their cause, every time someone answers a question correctly, a small banner appears at the bottom of the page and the money generated from these ads help them in buying more rice. What a philanthropic way to make best use of Ad Space.
In 2009, John donated the site to United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) who works with 75 countries world wide; they distribute all the donated rice and help fight hunger.
According to United Nations, a child dies every 10 seconds from hunger related causes. And according to Free Rice, they have donated 80,345,404,130 grains of rice till date.
There are many websites that help in making world a better place by generating revenue through advertising, but what makes Freerice.com stand apart is that it draws visitors through free games that not only help in feeding the hungry but also helps the visitor in improving their knowledge by playing simple yet informative games.
Have you ever contributed to the society or know some one who has? Please feel free to share with us.

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