Day by day more and more people are becoming addicted to sites like Digg, MySpace, YouTube or Foursquare and end up loosing on their productivity. If you are an online entrepreneur, then this addiction can prove out to be costly for you and your business. Keep Me Out is a free online application that can help you in keeping track of time that you spend on such sites and sends you warning alerts when you visit these sites too frequently.
Here's how the site works:
- Enter the URL of the site that you think you visit too often.
- Set up the time limit as per your requirement, For Example: "Warn me if I go to http://twitter.com more than 60 minutes"
- The application will provide you with a bookmark which can be dragged to the bookmark bar of your browser.
- Whenever you wish to visit your favorite site, you can use this bookmark which will then time you on that site.
- If you exceed the time spent, then Keep Me Out will give you a warning. Some thing like this:

This registeration free application is simple and may help many users out there who need to find some discipline in the amount of time spent on a particular website.
Did you find this useful for yourself? Do feel free to share your opinions with us.

how do i renounce this application ?