Very often we visit a particular site/blog and save them on the bookmark section of our browser. Instead of storing them on our computer if we save the link on the internet itself, then it is known as social bookmarking.
It is a common practice wherein we can store, share, search or organize bookmarks on a website, this way we will be able to visit our favorite websites or blogs from any computer with an internet.
Social Bookmarking sites allow users to browse through tags based on various categories, this way we can look for content that is filtered by humans and not computers.
How is it important for you?
While browsing through social bookmarking sites, there are better chances of people can coming across your site as opposed to traditional search engines. If someone has submitted your link on the site then your site will hold far more credibility, because it has been submitted by other people. Moreover, search engines like Google or Yahoo calculate page rank based on the links towards your site and it not only helps in increasing the traffic for your site but also help in creating a better brand image for you.
It is a great tool for internet marketing, product information, viewing feedbacks and even providing customer support. Not only your friends can help you in bringing you better exposure, but also your customers or clients can talk about you and let people know as to how awesome your product/service is. It also helps in bringing like-minded people together, and therefore can be of huge advantage when it comes to targeting audience.
Some Popular Social Bookmarking Sites
- Digg
- Technorati
- StumbleUpon
- Del.icio.us
- Fark
- Newsvine
- Squidoo
- Furl
- Slashdot
- Yahoo Buzz
Have I skipped some popular Social Bookmarking Sites? Or if you wish to mention some of your favorite sites then please feel free to share them with us.

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