When I was young my mother always yelled "Don't play with your food" and I'm sure Rose Kane must've also faced similar situations. But she took fun with food to a different level and came up with a unique and delicious business idea.
Rose Kane is the founder of Doodle Bread, and provides a wonderful kit that makes breads with different shapes and and colors in every slice.
Read further to learn more about Rose and her fascinating breads:
1. Tell us about Doodle Breads.
Doodle bread is a cool "make your own bread that looks like no one elses in the world, ever" kit. It lets you bake loaves of bread with doodles on every slice, and the colours come from natural ingredients in the dough.
2. How did such a fun and creative idea occur to you?
As a kid I always loved messing about in the kitchen and when I first had the idea, I was studying at art college. I started to construct equipment in the studio and then take it home, and during holidays I'd make doodle bread with my (then) very young sisters. We'd all have fun together in the kitchen and it grew from there.
3. What kinds of ingredients do you use for Doodle Breads?
We use flour, yeast, a little salt and sugar and powdered vegetables and fruits to give the bread colour and flavour.
4. Apart from selling online, do you sell your products elsewhere as well?
We are working on a trial with a major UK national retailer, and that is because of the sales we made online.. I'll let you know how it goes!
5. Where were you working before launching Doodle Breads and was it difficult for you to take the plunge to become an entrepreneur?
Not really, I was a design student before doodle bread! I always knew I'd want to work for myself and this is how I've done it..
6. According to you, what is the best way for marketing a product online?
Blogs I guess, if what you're marketing has visual appeal anyway. To be honest, I'm still learning about the best ways. alot of craftspeople would join communities like etsy and this seems to work really well for them.
7. How do you come up such wonderful ideas for different designs for Doodle Bread?
Wow, thanks for the compliment! Other people give me the ideas! I'd get quite a few emails from people with ideas and I'm always happy to hear them.
8. Since you sell edible products online, did you face any hindrances due to this reason?
All i could recommend doing is to approach your local government health and safety people to get clearance and then be very explicit in your descriptions when sending things abroad. So far, we've had no problems.
9.Please tell us bit more about yourself and your family.
I live with my husband who is a musician.. our house is always full of doodle bread stuff, I don't know how he puts up with it :)
10. What advice would you give to those who wish to launch their own business online?
I guess to research research research as much as possible before starting, and then to carefully plan your online strategy before launching. Also, I'd carefully think about who will buy and why, think about your messaging. I'm really happy to take any individual questions because everyones circumstances are so different so just send me an email if there's anything you'd like to talk about!
Thanks Rose, and wish you all the success in the future :)

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