Amanda Bottoms was only 7 years of age when she started teaching herself about computers and technology, and today she runs a wonderful blog called Kevin and Amanda, where she shares everything about her life, interests, family and adventures.
On their 1st anniversary, Kevin presented Amanda with a very thoughtful gift: a domain name called kevinandamanda.com; since that day Amanda has dedicated herself towards their blog and works very hard to make it more and more interesting everyday.
Apart from scrap-booking, photography and cooking, Amanda shares her hobby for unique fonts on her blog, and very generously she allows her readers to download her wonderful collection of fonts for free. Amanda was very kind to spare some time to answer some of our questions, read further to learn more about kevinandamanda.com:
1. I really love your site, I learned that you do not have any formal training in website designing or computers in general, yet you have managed to develop a very interesting website. How did you teach yourself about all this?
We got our first computer when I was around 7 years old. It was a long, rectangular box- kinda like a shoe box. It was just one piece with a keyboard, no mouse. The monitor was on one end, and it was in black and white. It didn't have Windows or any kind of operating system- just DOS. The only program it had on it was a program called Lotus 1-2-3. It was a spreadsheet program, kind of like Excel. All I knew how to do was fill in the "cells" with a solid colored box, and I would fill them in patterns and draw pictures! :)
I started web designing and teaching myself HTML when I was around 14 or 15. I had my own little web-page where I would upload pictures to share with friends and family. You had to write your own HTML code- we didn't have sites where you could automatically upload photos like Flickr or Facebook back then. :) I would look at the code from other websites that I liked, and copy and paste them into my web-page. Then I'd start changing and deleting stuff until it did something- sometimes it completely broke the whole web-page, but sometimes, if I was lucky, it did what I wanted. :)
2. Lets begin with the “Fonts For Peas” section where you give away free downloads for different styles of fonts. How did this idea occur to you and how do you manage to collaborate so many unique and fascinating fonts?
I have always loved handwriting. I remember the first computer disc I ever bought was a disc with 300 handwriting fonts. It was $20, and I saved my babysitting money for weeks to buy it! Once I learned there was a program where you could *make your own* handwriting fonts, I knew I had to do it. I always wanted my handwriting as a font! I started asking everyone I knew to write their alphabet for me so I could turn it into a font. But that wasn't enough- I wanted more! :) I started posting on message boards asking people to send me their handwriting and I would send them a font back for free. I got so many awesome samples, I knew I had to share the fonts with other font addicts like myself. I still love making and sharing these fonts freely- I get so excited when I get new handwriting submissions in my inbox! Feel free to send me your handwriting submission here, I'd love to see it! :)
3. I can see that you are talented with your camera, which camera do you use and according to you which software is most appropriate for editing photographs- especially for amateurs?
I currently have a Canon XTi. My favorite lenses and other special equipment can be found here. I use Photoshop CS5 to edit my photos, but I think Lightroom, Elements, or Picasa are great for someone just starting out.
4. Could give some tips and tricks for newbies who wish to launch their own web-page?
SavvyBlogging.net, ProBlogger.net and BloggingWithAmy.com are great resources for all bloggers- those just starting out and seasoned bloggers like me! I love getting tips from them- I am subscribed to their RSS and Twitter feeds.
5. I can see that Kevin and you love traveling- tell us about your favorite destination.
There are too many to pick! :) One of my favorite places we visited was Triple Falls at Dupont State Park in Hendersonville, NC. There were three waterfalls on three different levels. You could easily climb up the rocks or trail between each fall, and each fall had a nice, big flat area perfect for relaxing and picnicking. If it got hot, you could wade in the water and walk right up underneath the fall for a cool blast of fresh air. Also in that area is Sliding Rock, a HUGE waterfall cascade that has eroded into a smooth, natural rock waterslide into the coldest mountain water you have ever felt in your life. It was a blast! :) Photos and more info from our trip can be found here.

Thanks so much for the shout-out Amanda! I appreciate it. And I've been a fan of your Fonts for Peas for a long time! And also? I'm not a scrapbooker, but I *drool* over your scrapbook room. :)
I love kevinandamanda.com! Amanda's passion for life comes out in all she does. I've downloaded all the fonts from Fonts for Peas and love them!
Savvy Blogging, Pro Blogger and Blogging with Amy are all excellent resources too!
Thanks a lot couples. ;)
That was an interesting piece of information on handwriting analysis. Please post more about graphology. thank you !
We're glad you found this info useful, and thanks for suggestion, we'll surely post more content about graphology. :)
I love kevinandamanda.com! Amanda's passion for life comes out in all she does. I've downloaded all the fonts from Fonts for Peas and love them!
Savvy Blogging, Pro Blogger and Blogging with Amy are all excellent resources too!