Both these services leverage Twitter which help buyers to discover, avail or recommend various unique products sold online and sellers have an advantage of connecting with a wider audience and can also have in depth insight about their tweets.
Appozite is not associated with Twitter, they use their public API for tracking various tweets for CheapTweet and TweetReach calculates reach and exposure of your tweets. Below is a brief description of both the services:
This is a Twitter-based search engine for various deals or offers that are floating around through tweets or retweets by sellers or buyers. Suppose, a seller tweets about a sale or coupon on Twitter, CheapTweet collects such deals and categorizes them for buyers, so that they can easily avail best offers and also recommend them to others.
Moreover, in order to learn about your discounts or deals, your 'prospective' customers don't have to be part of twitter, they can easily browse through various categories within CheapTweet website. So what do 'you' need to do to ensure that your tweets get listed?
As per CheapTweet's guidelines, your tweets should:
- Be Specific
- Provide useful links
- Get Retweets
- Not be a spam
You can also add hashtag "#cheaptweet', although it is not necessary but if you think you have enough characters left for your tweet, then you can always use this option for better search results.
CheapTweet also provides advertising services along with an option to open up a CheapTweet Store dedicated solely for your brand.
This service helps in calculating the value and reach of your tweets. You just need to type in a link, phrase, hashtag or screen name into TweetReach, and then you can easily analyse as how many people you have reached via your tweets and also how many times your tweet has been retweeted.
Here's how they provide information about each of your link or tweet:
- Tweet Types: This is a pie chart that gives you info about how many times you have been retweeted and how many replies you've received.
- Exposure: This info lets you view as to how many people have you reached through each link or tweet of yours. (Irrespective of retweets or replies that you receive)
Although this service is free for, but there is a catch to it. You can receive your free report for the most recent 50 tweets, without the hassle of signing-up. But if you wish to have a detailed insight, then you will have to pay $20 for a PDF format report which will contain all tweets about your search term over past 7 days with up to 1500 results. They have other plans as well, which can be viewed here.
Even if you don't 'buy' a detailed report, you can easily analyse the exposure that you receive in one of the largest micro-blogging site and it can also prove out to be an useful tool for calculating success of your marketing or social media campaigns.
What do you think of these services? Try 'em out and share your feedbacks with us. :)

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