Trevor Slavick is a pilot for American Airlines and is a Soccer enthusiast, he was in a habit of carrying a Soccer ball with him for recreational purpose during layovers. One day when he was ready to board a plane in Honduras, a boy ( in a Zidane jersey) offered to shine his shoes, as a tip Trevor decided to give the ball to the kid. Later, he noticed that the boy was joined with his friends and they were joyously playing in a field near the runway. Since that day, Trevor decided to give away a Soccer ball every time during his layovers.
In 2006, Steffan Tubbs, a news anchor visited Iraq and noticed that how soldiers were making peace by distributing Soccer balls. He was aware of Trevor's unusual habit and contacted him for launching a one-month campaign called "Little Feet, Big Goals"; they sent footballs to several kids in Iraq through this campaign.
Due to the success of this initiative, Little Feet gained momentum and received thousands of Soccer balls from all over the globe and since then Little Feet has not only brought smiles and hope to thousands of kids but has also launched Little Feet Coffee, that helps coffee farmers in Honduras to earn some more money for their families.
Whenever someone buys a ball from Little Feet, another ball is donated to a kid in need; even if you buy 10 balls, additional 10 balls will be donated. For the special occasion of Soccer World Cup, Little Feet decided to gift kids in Honduras with a Soccer field, they started collecting donations from all over the world to build 'Little Feet Soccer Field', which has reached its completion phase.
"This soccer field would have never happened without you; particularly our Little Feet Coffee supporters" says thankful Trevor.
During a Little Feet trip to foothills of Honduras they noticed that child was making a soccer ball for himself out of coffee sack, seeing this they gifted the kid with a real soccer ball. As a thank you gesture one of the farmer invited LF team to the coffee community of Honduras, he requested them to take some coffee back home and let U.S. have a taste of their great coffee.
With this, Little Feet decided launch Little Feet Coffee in 2008, which not only helps the farmers to earn their living through profit shares, but also brought equipments, training and opportunities for kids to play Soccer.
"If something as simple as a soccer ball can make a difference, I could only imagine what investing in their entire community could do." says Trevor.
A great idea that not only brings some of the best specialty coffee to world but also brings happiness with basic standard of living for several families in Honduras. Apart from coffee business, Little Feet has delivered over 50,000 balls to children in over 30 countries.
Their motto is simple and noble: "A Soccer ball won't stop a war, and it won't fill a belly, but it might help heal a soul, and let children be children-at least for a little while."

Nice post.. Great News thanks you very much...