Apparently a Nokia N8, a beautiful beach in South Wales, a huge crane and of course creativity.

Gulp, is a stop-motion animation that tells a story of a fisherman and his adventures. This film has broken a world record for being the largest stop-motion animation and has secured a place in the Guinness World Record. An animation that was created on a 11,000 square-foot set. Very impressive indeed!

The film is created by Sumo Science team at Aardman Animaton company, David Bruno, a creative with Wieden + Kennedy London and Jamie Wardley, from Sand In Your Eye, a sand and ice specialist company.

Now working on such a massive project on a beach is no child's play, it took them 5 days to complete the entire film, a film that has been created using only a smartphone (Nokia N8) with 12-mega-pixel camera and a huge crane.

"Strapping the device to a 40-meter high cherry picker on a massive expanse of beach with gale force winds seemed like a good challenge for the smartphone." says David Bruno.

Have a look at this recored breaking video:

The Making

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