Few days back we'd featured some pretty interesting social media propaganda posters by Aaron Wood and Brian Winfield Moore. Aaron's wartime social media posters went viral through Google+ and other platforms of course. He received so much appreciation that in order to keep up with the demands, he created couple of more posters that he sells through his Etsy shop.

Previously he'd covered only Facebook (Join the Cause! Your friends' farms need you), Twitter (Be Brief! The enemy might be listening in!) and Google+ (All must be shared to win the war!). This time he's featured other sites like: YouTube and Foursquare, with new designs for Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

He has also very creatively designed some pretty cool Google+ icons; they have been featured in our post: 14 Coolest Google Plus Icons Across The Web.

You can buy these posters from Aaron's Etsy shop for $7.50.

Which one of them is your favorite?

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