Generally, what do we do to remember our experiences when we visit a new place? Click its pictures? Note down some really exclusive features of that place? And then probably we share them in our social networks. It is a lengthy process. Isn't it? Well, technology has spread its wings wide and in the deepest roots to overcome these cumbersome activities.

Dave Elchoness and his team has come up with an app for your iPhones and Android based devices called Tagwhat app that uses a simple concept but is extremely useful and handy. Using Tagwhat, stories in multi-media form (text, videos, photos and audio) pop up on their physical locations. For example, you might be able to learn that there was some historic movement took place at the monument you've visited. And then, you can share the virtual postcard with your friends.

Let's learn more about this interesting app with one of its co-founders, Dave Elchoness, in the interview below:

Dave, let's start with a brief introduction of yours.

My name is Dave Elchoness and I am a co-founder and CEO of Tagwhat, a company based in Boulder, Colorado, USA. I am married and have three sons. My early career was spent as an attorney and business executive. Several years ago, I left corporate life to start my own company.

Although I am familiar with the concept of 'Tagwhat app' but our readers would love to have your version on it.

Tagwhat tells "Great Stories at Places" in your mobile in multimedia. The application, available for iPhone 3GS/4 and Google Android devices, allows you to enjoy the stories of the places around you told in video, audio, and images.  The content is organized in channels, like TV. Current channels are Heritage, Music, Movies, Sports, Food, Art, and Nature. You click on a Tagwhat 'Tag' on your smartphone screen to dive into up to six additional multimedia files that tell the story.  If you want to share a story, you can, by sending a unique Tagwhat digital postcard to Facebook, Twitter, or email.

Tell us about the inception of 'Tagwhat app'. Do you have any story to share?

We launched the first Tagwhat platform over a year ago as an open location-based network. Unfortunately, the content we got from users was very Twitter-like. We decided to step back and consider what would really be valuable as a location-based application. We concluded that multimedia storytelling at places would be a sweet spot. People are curious about the world around them. Content marketing at places is taking hold. We believe we fill a need there.

Tagwhat app is currently available for cities in US only. Which other countries you're planning to take it to?

Actually, the Tagwhat app is available globally and if there is no content near you, you can "visit" one of our featured cities including among others New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, and enjoy the stories as if you were at those places. We will be launching our publishing platform soon which will allow anyone to put a location-based multimedia story at any spot on the globe.

How do you go about discovering stories to be shared through this app? 

You download Tagwhat and launch it. If there are stories in your vicinity, they will appear automatically and you can turn to seem more of them in each of the directions. Click channels on and off to filter that content. Tap on the visit function to choose a different city to explore virtually.

How do you make sure of the credibility of the information that you provide about cities?

Tagwhat is a storytelling app so we do not insist on accuracy. In fact, we welcome fictional stories at places. That said, each Tagwhat story identifies its author so you can judge for yourself whom to follow as credible.

Is the app only useful to travel lovers?

The app definitely appeals to more than just travel lovers. For example, you can walk through your own neighborhood and learn lots of new things about the history of the place. My team and I have done stories on places around our home town including about restaurants, nature, and music, and about movies filmed nearby, that were completely new to us. Tagwhat brings a new awareness no matter if you're home or on a trip.

Share with us your pre-launch experience? What was the major difficulty that you'd faced and probably every developer faces?

We spent a lot of time evaluating the opportunity and developing the user interface for the product. With a new medium, there are any number of decisions to make about how you display material and engage users. I think every developer needs to understand how their app will be used and how best to make their experience intuitive.

If a developer is planning on creating an app, what is the major factor he/she should consider?

They need to know why they are creating it. Who they are trying to attract. How they differentiate from the thousands of other apps in app stores.

Share your fondest memory through this journey from conceiving the idea till its execution.

My fondest memories involve working with the team to achieve breakthrough ideas and testing the app for the first time.

What are you planning on taking this app to a next level?

Our next step is to launch our publishing platform. This will allow anyone in the world from individuals to organizations and brands to put their stories at any spot on the globe. These stories can link back to webpages, email addresses etc so that each story is an interactive element connected to the web.

What message do you have for all those Tagwhat app non-users out there?

My message is to download Tagwhat and explore the world in a new way. The richness of the web now surrounds you at places. Enjoy it!

Here's a demo video:

Dave, thank you for sparing time to talk to us. I am sure all the information you have provided in this interview will help our readers know and explore better this fun app. All the best for your future endeavors.

Rush to the iPhone to buy Tagwhat app.
For any other info, visit Tagwhat.com.
Tagwhat on Facebook and Twitter.

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2 Responses to 'Interview With Dave Elchoness, Co-Founder Of Tagwhat App That Tells "Great Stories At Places"'

  1. https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/interview-with-dave-elchoness-co.html?showComment=1314324315356#c3616218295608088333'> August 25, 2011 at 7:05 PM

    thanks for the opportunity. if you have any interest in location-based publishing in Tagwhat, we'll be opening that functionality to the public soon. best regards.


  2. Ejunkieblog Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/interview-with-dave-elchoness-co.html?showComment=1314335526442#c1354875390971959554'> August 25, 2011 at 10:12 PM

    It's been a pleasure having you on our blog Dave. :)


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