Whenever I end up misplacing my wallet I instinctively start wishing for a way to make it ring somehow and put my panicky misery to an end. I seriously doubt that God heard my prayers, but a company called Cobra seems to empathize with absent minded people like me.

They have created an ingenious 'tag' that can be attached to your purse, your bag, your keys and even your dog's collar for that matter. And all you need to do is install an app to your smartphone. The sensor in the tag communicates with your phone and helps you find your lost product.

You can use an app called "Phone Halo" that helps you communicate with Cobra tag via Bluetooth.

What I love the most about it is that it works both ways, i.e. if you misplace your phone, then press the button on your Cobra Tag to make your smartphone ring; if you lose your tag, then use the application on your phone to locate the item with Cobra tag attached to it. Clever 'eh!

Another smart feature in this tag is that in case you end up leaving your keys or bag (with Cobra tag attached to it) behind, the app will record the GPS location and the time of the day when your item was left behind or perhaps lost. This information will be sent to you via email, text message or you can even link it to your Facebook or Twitter account. And this too works both ways, so in case you end up losing your phone, your keys may be the key to find it!

This product is available for $59.95, which seems to be pretty fair pricing.

"Just about everyone can relate to the pain and anguish associated with the loss of a mobile phone, laptop or hand bag." shares Sally Washlow, Sr. VP of marketing & sales for Cobra Electronics. Further adding, "In fact, the estimated total cost of a lost laptop averages over $6000 including lost productivity, and sometimes these items are simple irreplaceable. With a price point of $59.95, Cobra Tag is a sleek and stylish solution to this everyday problem that just about everyone can afford."

I am sure many of us will be relieved to have Cobra Tag to our rescue, but lets just hope that we don't end up loosing both our phone and Cobra tag. :P

Visit CobraTag.com for more information.

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Source: Likecool.com
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