The time has come, a time for some green explosion!

Every neighborhood has that one house which has the most neglected garden or an ugly backyard, and if thats something that irks you then you might wanna consider bombarding that garden with Flower Grenades aka Biodegradable seed bombs.

A very innovative product that carries seeds and sand in a clay material. It does not make a bang when it lands on the soil...on the contrary, it grows some flowers in that area after couple of weeks.

It carries seeds of Buttercups, Ryegrass and Poppies. Buttercups and Poppies take about 3 weeks to grow, but you will be able to see Ryegrass sprouting its way through within the first week. And you don't have to worry about the clay that carries this magical mixture, it eventually dissolves in the rain, leaving no trace behind.

This product is designed by SuckUK, and here's how they describe it:

"Gardening's gone guerrilla - You've seen them, you may have looked away, but you've seen them. Those forgotten areas of the estate, left to fall apart and fall into disrepair. The muncipal scrubland where nothing can grow...Or can it? Turn the concrete jungle into a wilderness with our compacted wild flower seed grenades."

As the product is likely to get held at customs bio security, it would be a great gift for someone within Europe itself. You can buy a pack of three from SuckUK's website for $20.

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