How many of us have the habit of saving each and every SMS that we receive? Well, I try to, but my phone changes so frequently that I don't even bother transferring my text messages. Unlike Tracey Moberly who has saved every single message that she has received since 1999; except for the first one.

"I accidentally deleted it but regretted it straight afterwards. After losing that one I knew I couldn't just throw them away." she says.

It has been 12 years since, and she has now turned her library of text messages into a book: Text Me Up! Now the question is that why would anyone wanna read somebody's personal SMSs? Wouldn't it be kinda boring?

Well not Tracey's who is also an artist and has featured her artwork in her book as well. Other than presenting these text messages as a narrative of her life and adventures, and combining them with her art, the book also comprises her collaborative work and conversations with renowned artists and popular people like Banksy, Tony Benn, Alabama 3, Pete Doherty, Howard Marks etc.

"It's my slice of social and cultural history but in a way I can't claim it as my slice because it is also so many other people's world. It's just capturing that particular piece of time." says Tracey.

It is like an autobiographical document of her life, which starts from Manchester during a difficult time in Tracey's life when she found herself as a single parent after her marriage ended.

"I don't mind that the book became autobiographical, you live therefore you are. It has been something that has run through break-ups and breakdowns. I have included a lot of people from my life but I haven't included anything that is derogatory to people. That's another book entirely."

Check out Tracey's interview below where she talks about 'Text Me Up!"

Visit Tracey's website to learn more about her. 

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1 Response to 'Text Me Up! Tracey's Text Life Compiled And Published As A Book'

  1. https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/07/text-me-up-traceys-text-life-compiled.html?showComment=1344609256136#c3966770515607142591'> August 10, 2012 at 7:34 AM




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