John Paul Aguiar is a Blogger and Social Media Marketer and the owner of www.JohnPaulAguiar.com . John's blog covers all areas of how to Build A Blog and how to Make Money Blogging. From Blogging to Traffic Tips to Twitter Marketing and Social Media in a keep it simple way that anyone can follow. Besides being a phenomenal blogger, he can be a role model to many people who aspire to make money online.

John is a blogging internet entrepreneur and works with SEO, PPC and Social Media Marketing. He shares some really useful content with his readers and delivers what  they actually want to know. His tips and advice are helpful as he uses a simple and straight forward approach in his writing as well as concepts.

We contacted John for a small interview with us to know about him and his Money Dummy Blog and it is an honor for us to feature him 'Blogger of the Week' on our blog. Read his interview below:

John, please introduce yourself to E-junkies.

I suck at this question J But let’s say I’m first a Kidney Transplant Recipient. I’m also a Blogger, Internet Marketer and Social Media Marketer. I have been working online for about 10 years.  

Let's talk about your very interesting blog first. What is it all about?

My blog is basically about blogging, better and social media. Helping people to first build a blog or make their blog better and then show you how to use social media, mainly Twitter Marketing to drive traffic and to finally make money with that blog.

I keep things simple and straight to the point, making it easy for people to understand and follow along.


Tell us about the inception of your blog. When and how did it start?

I have been working online for years with different online programs and Internet Marketing and doing social media before it was called social media. Lol.

I came to blogging about 2 years ago, because I wanted a way to share what I knew and what I was learning and putting into practice.

Blogging was a great way to share and build relationships. So I jumped all over it.  

With what mission did you start your blog? Did you ever think your blog would be loved by so many people some day?

I really started my blog to share the things I was doing online to make money and to help people. When I started online and started my blog I had a couple really great friends answer questions and help me. So I wanted to do the same on a more ongoing basis.

The goal was to also build my blog up enough to have it make me money even if I walked away for a little bit.

No I never thought Money Dummy would do so well. I’m happy where we are, but we are hoping to take it even bigger in the future.

But at the same time, I have put some long hours of learning and work into it. So at some point I knew it would pay off, hard work always does. J

What do you think makes your blog stand out? 

Honestly, I believe it is a couple of things.

First, when you come to my blog and read my posts you know you're getting me, you're getting that personal connection. You know that if you need me, I’m always available.

Second, I think I write in a way that people like and can trust what I say is truth. I’m not the best writer, haha, but what I say and how I say it seems to work well. People like simple and straight to the point, people are busy, so writing to fancy is a turn off, I believe.

Third, it is the hard work I put in every day, the promotion of the blog on social media sites that helps a lot. It is all about marketing/promotion, having the best blog or the best blog posts means NOTHING if no one reads it. You need to learn how to promote that blog and promote a new blog post.

According to you, what are those three essential attributes that are required to be a successful blogger?

I cover this a little in last question, but for a blogger to succeed long term today then need 5 things…
  • Patience
  • Hard Work
  • Give people what they want
  • Adapting
  • Be a Marketer
You have to be patient, know that the work your putting in today will pay off in the future, just give it time to get there.

Certain things can not be rushed. Look at it like this – “If it takes 2 hrs to cook a turkey, no matter what you do better, it will still take 2 hours to cook that turkey.”

Adapt to changes in your niche and in blogging.

No blogger is ever done learning. Bloggers today need to come with more than “just” great writing skills.

Great content is King, but a very supportive Queen is the ability to get people to see it. This means thinking like a marketer if you plan to make money with your blog.  

How many hours do you spend on blogging a day?

This changes every day. But on post day I spend about 4-5 hours through the day working on a post, submitting and promoting that post, and following up with comments and tweets and shares on facebook. Also that is me inside the blog tweaking this, design, ads, layout. Lol. I can get caught up in that mess sometimes.

If it is a non post day, then about 2-3 hours. Again that is mostly promoting and community building and link building.

There are also days I do no more than an hour on the blog the whole day. Working hard is important, but taking time away from your blog is powerful too.  

Share your fondest memory with your blog.

I have a few big moments from my blog.

I will say first it was when I signed up a social media client for a $3000 contract all from the work I had put into Twitter which then brought them to my blog where they liked what they saw. That was HUGE for me. Another good day was when I had my first 3000 visitors a day without Google’s help haha, that was awesome.  

Would you like to share your future goals/plans with us?

I am actually working on so many changes and products and new sites right now, that I am a little overwhelmed.

But the few things that are close to release are first my update to my Twitter Dummy Guide. I am making it a full video training course covering everything I do to have success on Twitter.. all my secrets revealed. J

Also I have a new site for bloggers coming out soon, that I’m still hush hush on, but you can visit the soft landing page now and get on the early notice list at http://www.MyBloggerBuddy.com.

Also working on design changes for my blog, that should be released soon.

Other than that, just keep working on my blog as hard as I can.  

Many other bloggers would draw inspiration from you. What message do you have for them?

Helping other bloggers build better blogs is what I am all about, that is what I enjoy.

The few things I would say is, just get started, if you have a blog idea, then just get it up and start working on it and make connections with as many bloggers as you can.. we all succeed together.

Also just relax, the success will come if you work your blog long enough. No blogger, not me, not John Chow, not Darren Rowse saw success over night. Fast blogging success is a myth, it takes hard work and AT LEAST a year before you will see some good results from your blog.

Knowing this is where the secret to building a successful blog is at. Put the time in, work it hard every day and the money and success will come.

John, thanks for sparing time to talk to us and sharing your valuable tips and thoughts about blogging. I am sure it would be a very helpful resource for those who strive to make their mark online. Wish you all the success! 

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6 Responses to 'Blogger Of The Week: John Paul Aguiar, Internet Entrepreneur Behind 'Money Dummy Blog''

  1. John Paul Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/07/blogger-of-week-john-paul-aguiar.html?showComment=1311766972938#c2246420172917566651'> July 27, 2011 at 4:42 AM

    This came out Great.. Thank U for reaching out for the interview.. I had fun doing it.


  2. Matt Smith Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/07/blogger-of-week-john-paul-aguiar.html?showComment=1311771022680#c7863280874912041736'> July 27, 2011 at 5:50 AM

    Great Interview! I've followed John for quite a bit now and he has inspired me to start my own blog. Glad to see John is getting the recognition he deserves


  3. John Paul Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/07/blogger-of-week-john-paul-aguiar.html?showComment=1311781345526#c5992750376905471896'> July 27, 2011 at 8:42 AM

    Thanks Matt I Appreciate that. Glad I was a motivator to get you up and running :)


  4. Ejunkieblog Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/07/blogger-of-week-john-paul-aguiar.html?showComment=1311829226970#c931169407326179414'> July 27, 2011 at 10:00 PM

    Thank you Paul for a wonderful interview. We are sure that our readers found some truly useful information and much needed inspiration from you. :)


  5. John Paul Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/07/blogger-of-week-john-paul-aguiar.html?showComment=1311853579822#c3258727828697633756'> July 28, 2011 at 4:46 AM

    I hope they did.. and TY :)


  6. Clickbankultimatum Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/07/blogger-of-week-john-paul-aguiar.html?showComment=1326341186885#c3149713299579245441'> January 11, 2012 at 9:06 PM

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