We've had many artists featured on our blog who refuse to use a simple paintbrush for their paintings, some use a basketball, while some use their feet, some paint using a typewriter, while some like to use their palm & finger.

Today, we'd like to share artwork of another such unique artist: Judith Braun, who likes to create beautiful symmetric work of art by dipping her fingers in charcoal, pastel and chalk. She likes to creates abstract images, patterns and shapes.

"Fingerings continue my use of carbon medium by dipping my fingers in charcoal to draw directly on the wall, sometimes with both hands simultaneously to the extent of arms' reach. This allows the inherent symmetry of the body to generate a gestural vocabulary of mark making." shares Judith. "Abstraction keeps the images free to be anything, while the symmetry resolves that fluidity into something, like liquid energy crystallizing." Let's have a look at her artwork:

Visit Judith Braun's website to learn more about her artwork.
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