Giesla Hoelscher is a digital visual artist, she creates wonderful collages in which she creates depth and interest by blending and layering original digital photographs in Photoshop.

She has a passion for historic and popular landmarks, establishments and events of Minnesota and the surrounding areas. That love and respect is expressed through collages. In addition to the locational collages, she explores bolder, more personal feelings through painterly fine art collages that use found image and items, illustrations, and photographs.

"I started creating my collages because I love taking pictures and I love learning about why a place is popular or how long a building has been there. I take all of the photos that I use in the collages myself, which is definitely time consuming, but a labor of love," she says.

She received a degree in graphic Design in 2001 and started her business, Inkblots, in 2002. Read further to learn more from the artist herself:

To begin with, tell us something about yourself.

I'm a lifelong resident of Minnesota, which I absolutely love to call home. While I haven't traveled extensively, I've always found in traveling that there's just no place quite like Minnesota. I also have a passion for anything chartreuse. It completely invades my wardrobe & and my apartment. It's such a fun, bright color.

It is evident on Twitter as well as Facebook that you have gained so much liking for the artwork that you do; how do you feel about it?

I can't say that I've gained a huge liking as much as I just like to talk to people about what I do. I love sharing the stories people have told me about what they like about my artwork or where they've put it (there seems to be a lot of pieces showcased in bathrooms...). It's fun.

You are a great collage artist! From whom/ what do you draw inspiration from?

I draw inspiration from all forms of traditional collage and also screenprinting. I love vintage and vintage-inspired illustration. My absolute favorite digital collage artist is Alicia Buelow.

Our readers would love to know about the kind of collages you create.

I have 3 different facets of work. The location collages are created using original photography taken by me. I insist on taking the photographs myself so I can really experience an area. That lends itself a lot to the composition of the collage. I also created retro inspired pieces using vintage advertising. Finally, I create fine art pieces that are very emotionally rooted.

What do you think is the best medium to showcase one's artwork considering current scenario of online social media explosion and why?

While I know that the internet has become huge for opening up your work to millions of viewers and potential buyers, with my work more often than not I hear that it looks so much better in person. I think the best medium is always going to be in-person viewing, whether that mean a store or an art fair or whatever.

You own two websites and a blog! How do you manage them single-handedly? Please tell us about each one of them.

Actually I own 3 websites: my artwork, my studio and my custom artwork. The blog is a part of my artwork site and I don't update that but every few months. The artwork and the custom site are pretty self-explanatory. The studio site is a blog/online brochure of the studio that I share with my boyfriend who is a wedding/portrait/landscape photographer.

We noticed some holiday cards on your website http://customcollagesbyinkblots.com/! Tell us about them.

Since the holidays are past, I just updated my website to include everything about the cards. (Actually I just re-designed my entire custom site!) My custom work can be created to be any size, anywhere from a 5 x 7 card up to a 3' x 12' corporate commission or larger. I chose to do the cards because I realized that there isn't a lot out there for personalizing a greeting besides putting a portrait on some sort of photo card. I can create a smaller collage with 12 or fewer pictures that can be used for any purpose, such as announcements, invitations or thank yous.

E-commerce is rapidly gaining popularity and becoming a trend in trading method. What's your take on it? How useful you find E-commerce?

I think being able to purchase things online is incredibly convenient and a great way to open up the ability to buy to people from all over the world.

Besides your passion for creating collages on Photoshop and love for the places where you stay; what are the other things which interests you? Tell us your hobbies, favorite books, blogs, movies, music, websites or artists?

I still enjoy taking pictures for fun and love that my iPhone has a camera on it so I always have a camera with me. I have a dog, Bea, who's an Airedale Terrier. I'm going to be starting her in agility training soon so I'm really looking forward to that. I've also tried learning more about wine but have a LONG way to go. It's been more of an on and off thing that I hope to spend more time on in the future.

Many people would draw inspiration from you; few lines for them as well as for our readers.

I know it's said over and over again by so many people, but you really have to do what you love and be persistent. Art is probably the most difficult thing to make a career out of and if you don't love it, it just won't work long-term.

Thank you Gielsa for sparing the time for us. We wish you all the success in the future, :)

To learn more about Gielsa Hoelscher, you visit her websites through below links:

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