Kevin Van Aelst is an artist with a unique approach towards illustrations. Although he has created many other forms of art but I found his fingerprint art to be the most interesting. 

He has replicated fingerprints of all of his ten fingers using different materials and objects that holds significance to his past and identity. 

"The series was an attempt to create a portrait of my self containing both objective information and a subjective context for that information." shares the artist. 

The illustration on the left is of his left index finger and is made out of cassette tapes of mixes that his friends have given him in the past. "This image is meant to show that, while part of our identity is immutable, much of it is formed by our experiences, who we share them with, and how our music was shared." describes Kevin.

Kevin has graduated in psychology and has studied photography from University of Hartford, he teaches photography in various schools and colleges and creates art work for magazines like Time, Men's Health, Fast Company and even New York Times. 

Kevin's art in his own words:

"My artwork is an attempt to reconcile my physical surroundings with the fears, fascinations, curiosities, and daydreams occupying my mind. The photographs and constructions consist of common artifacts, materials, and scenes from everyday life, which have been rearranged and reassembled into various forms, patterns, and illustrations. This work is about creating order where we expect to find randomness, and also hints that the minutiae all around us is capable of communicating much larger ideas."

If you wish to see more artwork from Kevin, then visit his website through following link:

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