World's Smallest Postal Service was created by Lea Readmond, who had a crazy idea in her head one day, and she didn't waste even a single day to put her idea into practice.
She immediately picked up her small desk, climbed on her bicycle, and started setting up her mobile work station local cafes and charmed the locals with her miniature letters.
"Creativity works in curious ways. The idea for the World's Smallest Postal Service began when the simple image of a teeny tiny letter simply popped into my head while waking up from a nap last summer." says Lea.
Lea Redmond the postmaster, transcribes letters in a tiny script, seals them with miniscule wax with sender's initials, packages the letter with a magnifying glass and posts the letter in a glassine envelope after sealing it again with wax. Now, who wouldn't be delighted to receive the smallest letter in the world with a message from a loved one.
Lea has always been a keen crafter who created her very own miniature Coca-Cola machine at the age of eight, and has been following her passion for art and handmade items ever since. The art of writing miniature letter comes naturally to her, and as a smart entrepreneur Lea has taken her talent and passion in the right direction.
Apart from her very famous tiny letters, she also sells many other miniature stuff like: Seed Earrings, Wiggly Dice eye, Notebook Embroidery, Tactile Poetry, Paper Umbrellas, Alphabet Noodle kit and many more fun products.
She also offers Creative Wedding Consulting and Creative Courtship Consulting where she converses with her clients for an hour and brainstorms the perfect object/activity to present their loved ones.
Isn't that entrepreneurship at its best by utilizing all the resources and ideas that you have under one umbrella.
Apart from her very famous tiny letters, she also sells many other miniature stuff like: Seed Earrings, Wiggly Dice eye, Notebook Embroidery, Tactile Poetry, Paper Umbrellas, Alphabet Noodle kit and many more fun products.
She also offers Creative Wedding Consulting and Creative Courtship Consulting where she converses with her clients for an hour and brainstorms the perfect object/activity to present their loved ones.
Isn't that entrepreneurship at its best by utilizing all the resources and ideas that you have under one umbrella.

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