On 9th July 2010 more than 70,000 blogs were shut down by US authorities without any explanations.
Blogetery, a WordPress platform hosted by BurstNet went dead on Friday and around 73,000 bloggers lost access to their accounts. Web hosting company BurstNet told Blogetery that they had to shut down the website due to a request from a law enforcement agency and the fact that Blogetery has a "history of abuse".
"Bn.xx*********** was terminated by request of law enforcement officials, due to material hosted on the server. We are limited as to the details we can provide to you, but note that this was a critical matter and the only available option to us was to immediately deactivate the server." informed BurstNet. But the details of this "critical matter" has not been unveiled yet.
"Ok, give me contact information of law enforcement officials if you cannot give me more information about this. You've deactivated the server without any explanation and saying that you cannot give me the details and access to my data because of some "super secret" law enforcement officials?!" asked Blogetery's owner who admits that, he does occasionally receive some reports related to copyright issues but handles such 'abuse reports' within 24 hours and removes any illegal or spam material.
According to the latest update by CNET news, BurstNet's spokesperson has refused to identify the law enforcement agency and ensures that the site has not been shut down due to copyright violations, there are other serious issues involved but is not willing to disclose the real reasons for such a drastic step that they took without warning.
It is good to know that there is a cyber police that is keeping track on various violations taking place over the internet, but it is disappointing to see them enforcing law without providing any information or explanation.
Are these "Top Secret" law enforcement agencies trying to make an example out of them?

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