You just need to write good articles related to your business or expertise and submit them in various article directories/websites/blogs available on the internet.
Although there are several directories where you can submit your articles for free, but it is advisable to choose 3-5 top most directories so as to save time and energy by submitting where it is most likely to reap results.
Here are some of the top reasons why article marketing is important for your business:
Increased Online Presence
Every online business owner thrives to enhance its presence on the internet and article marketing has proven to be a very useful marketing tool for the same. You just need to write quality content and attach useful links leading back to your website/blog; this way you not only target audience related to your niche but also participate in viral marketing.
Creates Backlinks
Search engines like Google or Yahoo calculate page rank based on the links pointing to your website and also the page rank of the provider of the link. Whenever you publish an article with important links on the resource box you have better chances of increasing back links to your website, and if the article get re-distributed...well then its simple multiplication. This way you benefit your business by increasing traffic and hitting potential clients.
Credibility & Reputation
Whenever you write quality articles based on your knowledge and experience, it not only builds you up as an expert but also increases the credibility of your business. A reputation is built over the internet, thereby providing your business better exposure and also helps in winning the trust of your visitors who might be your future customers.
Article marketing is an absolutely free marketing tool, you just need to devote some time and energy. All you need to do is write good content distribute it over the internet and watch how it helps in promoting you and your business. You might just end up earning through this free marketing tool.
Promotion & Brand Awareness
Article marketing's main purpose is to create a better visibility of your brand over the internet; it aims at spreading your article as far as possible and establishing a brand image. All you need to do is provide your readers with information that they can use and also share with other people; giving you an expert status and your business a far better reachability.
Better SEO Ranking
Use of keywords tactfully can do wonders for increasing your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking through article marketing. Well structured articles with the right keywords helps in improving the page rank in various search engines; in turn increasing the traffic to your website.
Increased Sales
Well, this was our prime motive to begin with. After all the hard work that you put into writing several articles, and combining all the above mentioned essentials of article marketing will eventually lead to better sales and increased customers.
Have you been practicing article marketing? Or wish to share some more important points related to it? Feel free to share your views below:
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