When you launch a business it takes you ages to build a positive reputation, on the other hand, one minor mistake can ruin your reputation at a blink of an eye.
In E-commerce, you are virtually in touch with your customers and there are several issues and practices that you must keep in mind in order to win the trust of your clients and maintain a goodwill; this will surely reap you good results.
So here are some very common ethical practices which are overlooked or ignored at times:
In an online transaction the customers have to provide the merchant with their personal information along with credit/debit card details. It is the duty of the merchant to clarify the customer about the purpose behind collecting this information and assure that their details will not be compromised in any way what so ever. You must ensure that your company maintains strong security policies and practices in order to protect customer information.
Honest Advertisements:
You visit any website/blog and they are filled with numerous advertisements or banners, this is a very productive way of spreading the word about your business. But make sure that you do not end up portraying your product/service to be something that it is not. The best way is to show a prominent picture along with a brief description of your business, you can mention the prices or offers if you wish; but never promise something that you will not be able to deliver. Otherwise, sooner or later people will find out the truth and then it will be very difficult to rectify the damage already done.
Clear and True Presentation:
Since in E-commerce physical presence is not a possibility, it becomes very essential to give detailed information about your product/service through written words and pictures. In case of a tangible product make sure that you mention its dimensions, colors, material or texture etc. along with proper visual effects; in case of an intangible product, ensure that you mention various software requirements and its compatibility with different computers or gadgets. Also clearly mention the costing including shipping costs, taxes involved and hidden charges if any, this will surely help in building confidence among your customers.
Delivery Of Goods As Committed:
It is very essential to mention the exact time period for delivery to your customer's doorstep or computer. Do mention time of shipment along with cancellation or refund policy; also clearly explain the procedures involved in case of damage of goods or delay in shipment. In case you are unable to fulfill a promise to your customer you must instantly communicate the reasons to them and try to rectify the mistake immediately. Remember a goof up can be an opportunity that can help in retaining your customers and winning their trust.
Clear Warning If Required:
In case you are selling products that are not appropriate for certain users, then you must ensure that you give them a proper warning with explanation as to why they must not consume it. For Eg: Your product is not appropriate for users below 18 yrs of age, then it is your duty inform them about it; or in case of pharmaceutical products you must be careful while giving prescriptions and ensure that you don't end up selling your products to the wrong person. Although most countries have legal implications involved in such cases, but it is your ethical duty to let your customers know if the product is appropriate for them or not.
There are many merchants who end up sending irrelevant e-mails or updates to their clients or potential customers; but such a practice is often frowned upon and never appreciated, in fact it leads to a feeling of irritation among the receivers. If you do wish to update your customers on regular basis, you can offer them RSS feeds or e-mails on periodical basis with an option to discontinue the updates if they wish to. In any case, sending bulk e-mails to every Tom, Dick & Harry will do no good; it is always better to recognize your target audience and service them with quality rather than quantity.
Customer Support
Customers are the back bone of any business establishment, and a good customer support must be among the top priorities in a business operation. Very often, merchants tend to ignore their customers post-sale, and forget that in doing so they are not only loosing out the possibility of that customer returning but also many more potential customers who will learn about bad customer support through word of mouth. Try not only to maintain a top notch customer support but also try to find new ways to keep them happy and have them coming back for more.
Intellectual Property
It comprises of issues related to copyrights, patents and trademarks; basically it refers to any kind of intangible assets that consists of human ideas or knowledge. Mostly such assets are well protected through various laws, but it not possible to keep a track on each and every breach that happens over the internet; therefore it is your moral responsibility to ensure that you do not take the route of such unfair practices, rather you should utilize this time to come up with better ideas and concepts. Originality will help a great deal in giving an edge to your business venture.
Do you wish to add some more ethical practices that you follow? Please feel free to leave a comment below.

Good stuff!
I would add that it's really important to state your credentials/expertise accurately. I'm in the mental health profession and when I see others who do not list their professional affiliations, it upsets me b/c there are many vulnerable people out there...
With that said, I have seen some websites that state their lack of education up front, and clearly mention they write from experience. As long as you inform the reader, you are not breaching ethical concerns.
Thank you,
Avoid sales and promotions unless necessary (e.g. to clear old stock or damaged goods). Good products and services sell themselves without any influence from red price tags. If customers can see quality, desirability and value, they will buy. The danger with slashing prices is that it alientes customers who previously purchased at full-cost (who also happen to be your most loyal customers).
People naturally feel cheated and will often voice their complaints strongly which is bad for a business reputation. Likewise, they're more likly to say "I'll wait for the next big sale or discount day" - this can be disastrous for businesses trying to maintain a regular cash flow.
Likewise, having a big "Promotional Code" box in a shopping cart is a sure way for people to go searching for promo codes online or going elsewhere to get something cheaper. We've all done it before and research shows this is a growing reason for abandoned carts.
Thank you Linda and Will for your in depth views :). Truly appreciate it.