A blog for a blogger is like a building for an architect. Both work very hard to build an impressive structure by applying their expertise and creativity. Just like buildings there are plenty of blogs out there, but there are very few that stand apart.
Bringing uniqueness hugely depends of a person's creativity, wit, imagination, perception and sheer determination which cannot be taught or learned.
Apart from uniqueness what does a blogger do to ensure that he/she is covering all important aspects required for a blog. Well, there are plenty of things that you can do, there are numerous features and applications out there. Below are some of the most common and basic must-have features that every blogger must consider adding:
1. RSS Feeds
This is one of the best way to keep your readers updated about your blog conveniently. There are many readers out there who love to read various blogs and articles but do not have the time or patience to visit each and every one of them. Therefore you can provide RSS Feeds either through reader or via e-mails. Make sure that you place the RSS option at a prominent place on your blog (preferably on the top) so that your visitors can see it right away and easily subscribe for your blog.
2. Navigation Bar
As I said before that your readers might lack in patience and if it becomes difficult for them to browse around your posts, they will go elsewhere. Therefore try to bifurcate your posts under different categories or sections making it easier for your visitors to look around other articles or posts which are not visible on your home page. Headings not only makes it easier to navigate but can also play a vital role in creating curiosity among your readers, in the process they will spend longer time on your blog.
3. Most Popular Posts
You can highlight the most popular posts on your blog, this will help in engaging your readers further. Apart from most popular, you can also opt for 'most commented posts' or 'recent posts'; this way you not only provide your readers with more options but also let them know about the top rated content in your blog which will help in leaving a good impression on the readers mind.
4. Favorite Links/ Favorite Blog
The advantages of this feature are two fold: firstly it helps in building relationships with other bloggers and secondly if the blogger of your favorite blog finds that you have been following them, there is a high chance that they might follow you as well, or else they might mention you somewhere or simply thank you. Either way, this is quiet a productive way to bring in back links for your blog and increase traffic.
5. 'Follow Me' or 'Like' Us Buttons
If you are a blogger and not active on Facebook or Twitter, it is considered as a crime in the current 'Social Networking Era'. Therefore it is essential for you to provide Facebook and Twitter options on your blog, which enables your visitors to either follow you or like you directly from the blog, without having to log into any of these networking sites. This will help you in expanding your horizon much more through a single channel.
6. Google Followers
This is another way to let your readers follow you and receive updates about your blog through Google Reader, although RSS also does the same job but through this, your visitors will be able to view as to how many people are following your blog. It is an indirect way of letting the visitors know about your popularity without directly boasting about it.
7. Ad Space
There are many bloggers who write only because they want to share their views with the world, while there are others who want to take this opportunity to earn some extra bucks. If you are a merchant who is promoting your own product/service through your blog, this can be another way of increasing income through your blog; specially for affiliate promotions. But one should remember not to get too carried away with too many ads on your page, 'coz this might irritate your readers and force them to leave your blog.
8. 'Contact Us' and 'About Us' Forms
A blogger must be easily contactable for its readers, because there are many instances when your followers would like to tell you something or share information with you. It helps them in realizing that there is an actual human being behind the blog on their computer screen. This will also benefit you because through this you will not have to share 'your' email ID with the world. Similarly, in 'about us' page you can give a brief introduction about yourself or your company through which readers can learn more about you and become familiar with your profile.
9. Design
It is very essential that your blog is appealing to the eyes, it does not mean that you add complicated designs and graphics; it should match the theme of the blog and signify the concept behind the blog. You can be as simple as you want and as exuberant as you please, just remember that your blog is a product of your creation and you would want the world to see it through your eyes and understand it through your words.
10. Images
A blog without images is like a room without windows, sometimes images help in speaking much more that words ever could and also help a great deal in catching your reader's attention. Even if your visitor is not interested in your article, images can be your back up to keep them on your blog for few more seconds/minutes.
Are you an avid blogger and wish to share your views with us. Please feel free to share some of your favorite features below. :)

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