Entire globe will be celebrating World Environment Day (WED) on June 5, this event was established by United Nations in 1972. Every year a different country hosts WED celebrations with a different theme; 2010 is International Year of Biodiversity and Rwanda will be hosting this year's global celebrations.
WED's mission is to spread worldwide awareness of the environment, therefore we decided to spread some awareness by compiling a list of 'eco-friendly' sites. These sites believe in saving our mother nature and preserving its beauty; so take a sneak peek at these 'eco-friendly' business ideas:
1. Eco Fabulous

This site is committed towards providing all sorts of information related with Eco-friendly products or services. Ecofabulous isfounded by green guru and former House & Garden eco-editor Zem Joaquin. "We’re devoted to sharing the wealth of our eco information." she says.
The site has collaborated interesting and educative information related to different kinds of eco-friendly products offered online: home, fashion, beauty and lifestyle.

Green singles was initially a newsletter which concentrated on "people, planet and then profits." The website greensingles.com was launched on 1996 and since then they are committed towards bringing togethersingle adults who share similar interests related to the environment, animal rights and healthy living.
Mary and Alan are the co-founders of the site: "We are a family-owned, privately held company, operated by vegetarians."
3. Simple Shoes

They create "shoes for happy planet". Simple shoes was started business in 1991, but it was only in 2004 that they realized the importance of eco-friendly products and hence launched their Green Toe collection.
Apart from selling organic shoes and bags they also have a wide collection of 'vegan friendly' shoes, no animal product or byproduct is used for manufacturing these shoes; the bottom of these shoes are made out of recycled car tire.
They call themselves: "The nice little shoe company getting in touch with its inner hippie."
4. Ecoleeko

They make eco-friendly hand made toys, bath mittens & soft baby rattles. These cute little environment friendly toys are made out various natural materials like bamboo fabrics, organic cotton, kapok fiber, soy and wool; the filling includes buckwheat hulls and walnut shells.
The site is founded by Sue, who has graduated in Textile Design, "The idea kinda fizzled in the midst of real life and work. I have now found myself in an opportunity where I can devote my time, creativity and passion to create things that are fun and ecofriendly." she says.

They create handbags and accessories using eco-friendly materials and non-toxic printing techniques; they believe in "Eco-Fashion". The products sold on this site are not only friendly for the environment but also trendy, colorful and hip; they'll grab your attention instantly, just like their name.
There motto is to "Laugh a little, love a lot and make a difference - make love not trash."

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