This image is of a simple shirt that has been folded beautifully as an 'expressive fashion face'.
Bela Borsodi, an Austrian photographer created a series expressive fashion faces by using the clothings from an online store, Yalook.
Bela Borsodi, an Austrian photographer created a series expressive fashion faces by using the clothings from an online store, Yalook.
He picks up shirts, jeans, jackets or just about any clothing and transforms them into an art with personality.
Bela has studied fine art and graphic designing, and has great interest in psychology as well, when he discovered his interest in photography, he very intelligently and innovatively combined all these aspects to create something that can leave you spell bound.
"The only purpose to reach an end is to finish a project - but it is really not that important to find all the answers. What is really interesting are the questions because they make you try things out, make you think and investigate." said Bela in an interview with Pingmag.
Bela's imagination knows no limits, it is because of his ability to create a fusion between still life elements and fashion with a artistic touch that has won him many awards and brought him well deserved appreciation.
So browse though some his awesome art work and get a glimpse of how far imagination can take you:

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