I had the hardest time while writing this post, the sites that I am about to mention tempts you to browse around for fun and play silly but entertaining and addictive games.
So check them out and learn how people apply their brains only to please others; these sites will always keep you asking for more.
P.S.: Try not to get too carried away like me ;)

Its a great website that tells you what you may like viewing or reading, you have to put in your areas of interest, 'thumbs up' the ones you like and they will send you more stuff similar to that.
It has a great collection of articles, blogs, websites, products, services, pictures and lots more; basically anything that is bound to interest you.

"America's Finest News Source" they call themselves, and rightfully so.
The site works really hard to collect and post the most bizarre and hilarious news items and updates. Just pick up anything and you will enjoy
it, apart from learning some amusing facts and incidents. They also have theonionstore where they sell equally intriguing items.

Another great blog that concentrates on giving several tips, techniques, shortcuts, downloads or ideas for getting things done in a smarter and efficient way. Truly an awesome tech blog.
Due their hard work and commitment the blog has managed to win awards and have also published two books. "Don't live
to geek; geek to live" is what they believe in.

A cool website to play around with your own photographs. It lets you modify your pictures old school style; if you are not happy about how you look in your yearbook, then play around with this and you may end with something better; or most likely funnier.
"Take A Trip To Our Time Machine" they say.

This is perhaps the most addictive site. Created by Bell Brothers, this site lets you play around with music from your mouse which has been incorporated with a game.
The graphics combined with music is bound to engage you for a long time.
Do you know some more sites like?

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