They say 'never judge a book by its cover' and two librarians decided to go beyond the cover and weed those awful books which don't deserve a shelf in a library.
Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly are two spirited librarians whose mission is to weed away books which are either outdated, contain false information, are odd or are simply awful. They review such books in detail and blog about them with pictures of the cover and some of the content in the book, their style of describing the book is achingly funny.
"This site is a collection of public library holdings that we find amusing and maybe questionable for public libraries trying to maintain a current and relevant collection. " they say.
They have been running the blog since April 2009 and have gained a huge fan following since then. They receive submissions from readers all over the world which further helps them in weeding away 'awful library books'.
I stumbled across a book called "How to get a Teenage Boy & What Do With Him When You Get Him", this book was a contribution by a submitter who said "Recently my colleague showed me her copy of [this book] and I immediately thought of your website." This proves that how much impact this blog has on its readers, it spreads awareness among many book lovers about weeding an outrageous books and appreciating good ones.
Apart from good humor they also indulge in serious reviews, like the book "Train Your Child Up" advices its readers to whip their infants on their bare skin; the methods explained in the book are horrifying and I am glad that they are getting rid of this book while letting people know about writers who have no idea what they're writing about.
Mary and Holly are two determined ladies who read horrible, useless, outdated or disturbing books to help libraries to maintain a updated and relevant collections of books. Although they have explained themselves by saying that "We are public librarians in a medium sized public library in Michigan and the opinions expressed are totally our own."
They have been featured in many blogs and websites, check out their interview with Jimmy Kimmel here.

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