
We all are about what we have achieved or strive to achieve. We need constant motivation to keep that spirit of achieving alive. And hence, sharing what we've already achieved, no matter big or small, and what we strive to achieve is very important.

Groovor is a great platform to share your achievements and by doing so, it becomes a great source of inspiration for yourself and others too. It motivates you to run after your dreams and let others realize their dreams. The crisp of Groovor is to display the achievements of its users with a detailed description (but not very long) and some images to accompany it. It is about interesting people and interesting stories.

Let's learn more about Groovor in the interview below:

Tell us about the fascinating concept 'Groovor' uses.

We think that people should share their achievements, because it's interesting and it can inspire others to do their best.

What inspired you to create 'Groovor'? Tell us about its inception.

We wanted to create an original project... you know, there are so many web-sites now and most of them just try to entertain users. Groovor was created not only for it, but also for motivating people to do something truly great in their real life.

Share with us your pre-launch experience. What was the biggest challenge that you'd faced?

We started to work on Groovor with no experience in creating web-sites. Firstly we thought that the most difficult part of the work is a technical part, but now it's clear to us that the most difficult part is SEO optimization.

If you're asked to enlist Groovor's three top features/advantages, what'd they be?

Of course, the main advantage of the Groovor that it is the first web-site about people's achievements. We hope that the Groovor will be a source of inspiration for users.

Would you like to share your future goals/plans for 'Groovor' with us?

Now we are working on SEO optimization, soon we will try to be published on the Techcrunch.com and to be included in DMOZ.

Since you've recently started up, one can look up to you for best advice. What message do you have for them?

We have only one advice: If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.

Thanks for being with us and enlightening us with Groovor's concept. We wish you all the best with your great start-up.

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