Richard Grant is a UK-based designer and creative. In 1996 he founded "rgproduct", a research and design studio that explores the emergent interdisciplinary interaction between design, concept, architecture and environment.

He is also a speaker maker and has done a tremendous job by combining his creative and engineering skills. His client list includes some eminent names like Five33, Disney, Fox, ShakespeareSBT as well as conference calls with NASA and many more.

With more than 15 years experience in Film and TV, he has now become a well-known conceptualist and a technical and creative consultant. We contacted him for a small interview with us and he has been very kind to spare some time for that.

Catch it below and get to know what makes him an incredible artist:

What inspires the artist within you? 

I am fortunate and unusual that I am both artist and Engineer. This enables me to think an idea through along simultaneous processes such as design, technical and marketing. I take Inspiration from Nasa’s endeavors to the curl of a leaf in my garden. Life is inspiring and the real inspiration is being part of something great.

Your creations under the project 'Speaker system' are awesome. How did you think of such a creative idea?

The idea is actually a perfect example of my thought processes. I had heard about and researched very hi-fi designs from the 50’s and 60’s onwards and concrete or ceramic variants were always well regarded for then clean performance as an enclosure material. From a technical approach originally the ceramic enclosure made sense for many acoustic and production reasons. This in turn allowed for very free flowing design for ceramics.

This allowed my very organic product design style to come to the fore and also opened up opportunities to be widely creative with what could be designed and produced. The next logical step from a design and build perspective was the composite resin route as it is cost effective, strong and quick to create for.


Were you skeptical about the feasibility of the speakers?

No, never. My latest designs feature a stunning new drive unit and perform and look even better than the original models. I will be rolling these out within weeks…

I stumbled on some of your projects and I must say that they're one-of-a-kind! If you have to pick your favorite, which one it would be? Share your experience with us while working on it.

Thank-you. I have been very fortunate to both be lucky and create my own fortunate environment by perseverance, skill and hard work. Other than the wonderful situation of creating the world’s most amazing speakers I feel the most incredible project to date is the recent global tour on behalf of Five33 agency and Disney. The sheer scale and vibrancy of dealing with unique situations and some of the best creative personalities, agencies and territorial support in the world is just terrific. Further the actual show and venues covered was stunning and on the cutting edge of cross marketing, viral endeavor and feature film promotion/PR. However most of my projects have been striking for their technological and creative dynamism.

Tell us about your 'Ra-One' project. How did Bollywood happen to you?

One of my earliest Film and model jobs was based at Bray studio and many years later I was asked back to develop and make special breakaway and model elements for this fascinating production. We made and developed some terrific models and tested numerous breakaway rigs for pivotal shots in the movie. Funnily enough I bumped into two (very) senior Bollywood producers just the other day in the UK and hope to help them realize their next project also…more news as I get it on this.

Currently, what are you working on?

I am making very special model forms and elements for an artist “Kelly McCallum” from east London/RCA. She is holding a big show shortly and I am assisting her to realize her conceptual pieces. Also I have been asked to head up a special build with effects over in Eastern Europe; further an agency has asked me to assist with further marketing tours on behalf of Disney.

Share the best compliment you've ever received for your work.

My lovely 4 year old daughter loves my work and when she happened to pass my illustrated business card to a friend of my wife’s and said proudly “these are my Daddies speakers!” She was so proud, so was I. It is always good to receive positive feedback, in fact the response to my first speaker prototypes was so positive it gave me the confidence and will to push on regardless. Also professional projects, well executed often inspire positive thoughts, comments and results so it is a good area to work in.

Share your fondest memory through this artistic journey.

There are so many; other than a drive along the US West Coast highway in a rental truck from LA to San Diego….the following always makes me smile:

“I outlined to the Wedgwood design manager how a ceramic body is ideal for a loudspeaker enclosure due to its rigidity resulting in virtually nil low frequency (LF) colouration, and that any other extraneous acoustic leak through the ceramic body could be mitigated quite simply; further that the mid Blue Jasper Ware body colour would perfectly compliment the Kevlar yellow drive units I had in mind… He gave me a blank stare and said: “Follow me”. I did; he literally took me next door (the next line manager’s office along) and said “repeat what you just said to me…” The second chap, once I had finished said “hmmm, follow me”. I did. We went next door to the third office and I was duly asked to repeat my performance again. Again, once I had finished: “hmmm, follow me”!

If I remember correctly it was at the fourth point I was taken to the final link in the chain and had convinced the right four managers and line controllers for the factory, design, staff and technical that it would fly. I got the Green light!”

Many other artists and our readers would draw inspiration from you. What message do you have for them?

Always believe in what you do and do what you believe in. No one else will pat you on the back and give you finished success, you have to create that yourself. Push on, push on!

Some of the excellent projects by Richard: PUMA  2010 World Cup Colour splash promo:


 Paul O’Grady” Live TV action props (August 2010):  Man from UNCLE.


Well, these projects are just tip of the iceberg.

Check out his more projects on Richard's website.
Follow Richard on Twitter.

Richard, thanks for this wonderful interview. I had a great time learning about you. Your projects are awesome and we wish you all the very best for upcoming ones!

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