There are two kinds of people in this world - dog lovers and cat lovers. Well, I fall  in the second category...until I saw these adorable portraits of dogs captured by a pet and animal photographer Carli Davidson. These dogs are just caught in motion while shaking off water that altogether makes them look extremely cute and at the same time hilarious.

Carli is a renowned photographer based out of Portland, Oregon having a background in both commercial and documentary photography, as well as over 7 years experience as an animal trainer and caretaker. The expression on the faces of each dog captured is different. The credit not only goes to dogs for their 'aww-choow-cute' expressions but hats off to the photographer, who has caught them at the very right moment.

Let's have a look at some of the photographs of this series:

So, how did you find it? Well, if you're an amateur photographer (as like me) and in the process of learning photography, grab your pet..bathe it and you're all set to experiment your skills. Your pet will be your best model. :) Have a nice weekend!

Check out Carli's complete portfolio.
Visit her Facebook page.
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