In some past recent days, John Locke made headlines everywhere. Everyone has been appreciating his writing skills and the intellectual model he picked up to sell his E-books. Well, he deserves to be the talk of the town. He has made it to be the eighth Kindle/Amazon author who has sold one million E-books.

"Every ten seconds, twenty-four hours a day, a John Locke novel is downloaded somewhere in the world! Authors, book reviewers, bloggers, newspaper and radio interviewers, and fans across the globe agree: John Locke is one of the most creative contemporary talents in America today."

Aren't you enthusiastic to know how he planned on selling his novels on internet and what made him reach at the top position? Well, I am pretty excited to have him on our blog. Lets learn more about John and all you budding writers, get ready to get inspired!

John, although you don't need an intro but let's have a brief one from you. Tell us a bit about your background.

I grew up in Louisiana, went to college at Northwestern State University, quit school during my last semester to sell insurance on straight commission. I worked my way through the ranks and eventually bought my own life insurance company in 1985. I sold the company in 1995 and became a private investor specializing in real estate shopping centers. I now own thirteen shopping centers in three states. Managing them is my full-time job, and I write novels in my spare time.

What made you publish your own E-books? Do you have any story to share?

I didn't feel traditional publishing was an option. I couldn’t think of a single reason why a publisher would want to put money into an unknown author with no writing background or proven history of sales. So I never sent query letters to agents or publishers, and planned from day one to achieve success the same way I have throughout my business career: by going out into the world and making it happen on my own, selling one person at a time, and getting them to help me spread the word.

Why did you particularly choose Amazon? What attracted you the most about Amazon?

I’m on all the platforms, but the Amazon business model thrills me because they respect self-published authors, and allow us to compete, fair and square. If I’m the top selling author on Kindle, they admit it. If I have great reviews they put me on their “Top Rated” list. If my book is moving up the charts faster than other books, they allow me to be on their “Movers & Shakers” list. Not all platforms do that. On some platforms the only way to find me is to already know my name or the name of my book, because they don’t recognize self-published authors.

You adapted $0.99 pricing model for your E-books. It needs a lot of courage John! What is the most amazing thing you found about this model?

The 99 cent price point allows me to compete against the giants of the industry. They have many advantages, including name recognition, book store visibility, the ability to be reviewed by newspapers, and publishing dollars for advertising. But eBooks gives me a pricing advantage and a speed-to-publication advantage, and in my opinion, these level the playing field.

I recently read somewhere that you've been approached to sell movie rights to your Donovan Creed Novels. Tell us more about it.

Four movie producers have approached me about buying the movie rights to the Donovan Creed novels, and I have referred them to my agent. But no actual offers have been made yet. We are also negotiating the rights for a TV series, and that appears more likely at this point.

You're now NY's best selling author! How does it feel?

It’s fantastic, of course, but what really counts is longevity. In this business, you’re only as good as your most recent book and your next one! I will keep working very hard to earn a place among the best. If I don’t make it, it won’t be for lack of trying.

You've authored a handsome number of books. Which one is the most special to you?

Saving Rachel turned it all around for me, so that would have to be the most special.

Now, what's next? Are you planning on coming out with printed version of your books?

Almost all my books are currently available in soft cover, and we’ll have the others out soon. The next big thing will be foreign rights and audio books.

People are appreciating you all over the web; praising you! And I am sure you must be aware of some of them. Which compliment or words touched your heart?

There have been so many wonderful things said, but my favorite comment was made by one of my readers, who lives alone and suffers from chronic pain. She said when she read my book, Vegas Moon, it was the first time she laughed out loud in more than two years. If I can bring someone a few smiles on a day they need it most, I’ve done all I set out to do.

What are the other things that interest you? Share with us your hobbies.

Actually, my hobby is writing! I have a full-time job, and write part time. This hobby made me far busier than I ever expected! I also enjoy spending time with my wife, watching my kids play sports, boating, fishing, golf, cooking, and fine dining.

Many other aspiring and budding authors would draw inspiration from you. What message do you have for them?

Love your readers. Always put them first. Do that, and good things will happen.

John, thanks for sparing time out of your busy schedule to talk to us. A wonderful author you are and many congratulations for reaching this milestone! We wish you all the very best for your future endeavors.

Saving Rachel (a Donovan Creed Novel) by John Locke

Wish List (a Donovan Creed Novel) by John Locke

Now & Then (a Donovan Creed Novel) by John Locke

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