CHARLIE TERRELL is a digital artist and singer, songwriter and ringleader of the Austin, Texas-based crooked blues’n’roots band The Murdered Johns. He created vivid visual backdrops and motion graphics for the live performing artists.

Charlie's company, Daddy Van Productions designs, creates, and produces motion graphics visual art for some of the world's famous musicians including Marilyn Manson, Keith Richards, Paramore, Dave Mathhews Band and Motley Crue. Charlie also wrote and produced the critically acclaimed rock opera Taking the Jesus Pill.

Charlie creates astounding paintings using beautiful colors and are full of expressions. They are surreal, influential and drives you to an imaginary world.

Catch his interview below with some of his best works:

Charlie, please introduce yourself to E-junkies.

My name is Charlie Terrell. I am a painter, film director, editor, musician and playwright. I have toured the world with my music. I have created video for bands like Maroon 5, Disturbed, DMB and Lucinda Williams, among others. I've done movie of the week ads for TV Guide. I have slept in my car and I have had dinner with Kate Moss in Paris (table of twenty). I have always imagined that my work will be discovered after my death.

What influences the artist within you?

Mockingbirds. Howard Finster. Tribal Make Up. Schiele. Roadkill. Street Art. Accepted Beauty. Homeless People. The different sounds of rooms. El Topo. Religions. The exact precision of death in nature. The unexplained mystery of love. Horseshoe crabs and coffee.

Did you take any formal training in painting or is it something that comes naturally to you?

I am self taught. I am constantly learning new things…this is in my blood.

Your paintings are beautiful. Would you like to describe the creative work process?

The thing that I'm into right now is finding images of strangers on the internet. I look on Tumblr, Deviantart, Flickr, etc….

Then I contact the person to see if they will let me paint them. I have to find them, they can't find me. I do not charge them anything for this. I do it for two reasons…to improve my chops and for that one line response they send me when they see the painting.

I use Photoshop only with a waccom pen. Lots of line drawing and texture layers. The backgrounds and overlays of the crosses and circles are all done in photoshop. I have a library of textures I've made that I use. Sometimes I scan old books. I also like to digitally print out the work on canvas and then do more layers with paint, sharpie, white out, coffee and furniturestain.

On an average, how much time does it take you to complete one painting?

I always find this question annoying. The formula for time does not work with art.

This is a difficult one but we would love to know your favorite painting that you've created so far?

I did a collaboration with my 5 year old daughter concerning a pink whale. Pure Joy.

Do you have dream painting that you'd like to create?

Dream is a big word. I'd have to say…a life size mural of every human on earth. Practically…Scarlett Johansson wouldn't be bad.

Share the best compliment that you've ever received for your work.

OMG!!!!!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!

What would you advise a budding artist?

Study the world of insects.

And a final word for our readers?

The most valuable realization that I had in my creative life was that all music, art, dance, theater, film, memory and existence was the same thing. It seems obvious, but I started seeing colors in music and rhythm in paint. The structure of expression is ONE thing. Take all that expression and all of your living and put those pieces together in your art and God will close her starry eyes and sing.

Some of the Videos edited by Charlie:

Charlie, your work is really impressive. Indeed you're a talented artist and it was a pleasure to have you on our blog. We look forward to more work by you. Wish you all the success.

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1 Response to 'Interview With Charlie Terrell, An Esteemed Video Artist Creating Brilliant Digital Paintings'

  1. Hedystjames Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/07/interview-with-charlie-terrell-esteemed.html?showComment=1314398603792#c728422903540287118'> August 26, 2011 at 3:43 PM

    Nice work Charlie... - Hedy


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