When you decide to start selling your products online you may want to have your buyers agree to a set of terms and conditions, you know the annoying things that ask you to check a box after reading pages of legalese before they let you use their system.

I know I just made light of terms and conditions, but they are important aspect to many businesses, even e-junkie has a set of terms and conditions for using our service.

e-junkie does not have a built in option for a terms and conditions/license agreement, but thanks to Jay at Juxtaprose.com, it is something you can setup.

You can view his entire help page on the link above, but lets go over the basics here.

The way this works, is the extra coding on your site will change the Javascript so that before forwarding buyers to the cart it will check to see if the buyer has agreed to the terms and conditions. If they have not, then it directs them to the agreement. If they have, then the buyer is directed to the cart.

The file you will need can be located here.

You will want to start by downloading the file, do not link your site to the code on Juxtaprose's site, that will cause issues for you.

Once you have the file on your computer, you will want to edit the error message to fit your needs; the message is in quotes following the “var notAgreeable =” variable. You should be able to open the file in any word processing program.

After the message is set the way you want it, you will then need to upload it to your web server.

That's the easier part, next you will need to add extra coding to your pages where you sell products, or at least the products you want the terms and conditions for.

This references the file from above, and needs to point to the its location on your server
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://yourserver.com/scripts/license-agree.js"></script>

This will add a check box to the page.
<input type="checkbox" id="agree" /> <label for="agree">Check this before you buy!</label>

And finally this will change the Add to Cart buttons code, and this needs to be changed for each one of your products.
<a onclick="return agreed(this);" href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&i=XXXXX&cl=XXXXX&ejc=2" target="ej_ejc" class="ec_ejc_thkbx">Add to Cart</a>

The one problem you may run into is with people who do not have Javascript enabled. Most browsers have it enabled by default, so if it is not turned-on, that would likely be because the buyer disabled the Javascript in their browser.

Not everyone needs this option, so do not throw it in just because. Also, whenever you add extra coding in, there is always a chance of causing an issue. I would suggest you start by setting up a new/test page with one of the products you already have, or a test product; verify the setup works the way you want for that test page, before you make the changes for the rest of the site.

Is there anything you are wondering how to do in e-junkie, send our support staff an e-mail here.
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