Kouichi Okamoto is the Chief Executive Officer and the sole designer at Kyouei design, where he creates original, interesting products that have a blend of artistic and utilitarian traits.

Born in 1970 in Shizuoka City, Okamoto dabbled in music initially and released the sound source work "hi light" from Dutch techno label X-trax in 1997 and has done music work for Dutch "re-run" and British labels since. He started product design work in 2004 and in 2006 began Kyouei Design.

Since then he has created sove very interesting designs. Take for example his "form of the function" series, where he transforms industrial grade products, like springs or wires, into wearable jewelry that is available in a variety of finishes. Or for that matter his design of the musical table which has 504 volumes on the top plate, and there are 504 musical box movements which play only a single sound in the point of the 5-m electric line extended from there. The motor revolving speed of the musical boxes are adjusted by the volume of the table, and the musical boxes play sound at random. He uses this both as a solo performing artist and also as a art installation.

Some of his other designs are simple, brilliantly functional objects, which add a contemporary flair to the decor of your living space.  The top things that come to my mind are the Liquid Lamp Table and Bracket ( a lamp which appears to be flowing liquid), the Balloon Lamp, the Honeycomb Lamp ( which is available in a variety of colors and finishes), the Liquid Bookmark ( a bookmark that appears to be a flowing liquid, each of which is handcrafted and unique based on the flow of a liquid) and the reconstruction chandelier. Some of his products are quirky too - like his 1000 combination locks puzzle which is a wire ball puzzle game which uses 1000, 3 dial key combination locks.

This is just a brief introduction to the amazing designs created by  Kouich-San. If you like the what you see here, then you should definitely check out their website. You can in fact buy their products at a number of different stores worldwide.  Kouich-San was good enough to talk to us about his work, taking time out of his busy schedule. Read on for the interview and some great images of his work.

Okamoto San, could you please introduce yourself to our readers.

Kouichi Okamoto, product designer / sound producer. Born in 1970 in Shizuoka City. Under the name "bekkou" Okamoto released the sound source work "hi light" from Dutch techno label X-trax in 1997 and has done music work for Dutch "re-run" and British labels since. He started product deign work in 2004 and in 2006 began Kyouei Design. He has been introducing to the world new designs from Shizuoka.

What was the inspiration behind starting Kyouei Design? 
In 2006, I established my own design office, Kyouei design. Before it, I have worked as a sound producer.
And one day I thought that want to try to create the 'visible' things, it was my first creation - BalloonLamp. I think my life was changed by this creation.

Also before it,I worked for my father’s company. Then I could see/touch/think about LED light, it was great experience for me.

Your new product range is really amazing. Some of my favorites are the Wire Clamp Ring and the Ear Spring; they are so unconventional. Could you please tell our readers the inspiration behind it.

The series is titled "form of the function," and all the pieces are made from repurposed industrial components.
The range includes rings, earrings and brooches, most of which have a unique springlike feature. Depending on the item, there are a range of different colors created by gold, platinum or black nickel plating or red urethane coating.

When I saw the book of springs, it looked as the jewelry for me.

Those some were unsuitable, but I modified a little the form of industrial products and made a jewelry.

Kyouei Design is into manufacturing all sort of stuff from jewelry to lamp shades, chairs to gadgets; what keeps your creativity flowing?

I have created a thing which I inspired from a material, shape or function etc,

So it is important for me to have free inspiration.

Could you please elaborate on the functionality of the “Musical Table” and the “Pendulum Sound Machine”. Was the purpose behind creating these only being an art installation or do they fulfill any purpose also?

I created them as a sound machine or/and art installation. “Musical Table”make sound and the “Pendulum Sound Machine”make noise, so when they are mixed it constructs an ambient space. It is a short description for the live performance at my solo exhibition, performed with these two works.

The microphone which gathers vibration is attached to the plate with which the Pendulum Sound Machine is equipped, and it connects to PC. Through the reverberation of the effector and filter, the noise recorded in an instant was played at the speed of 1/300 and mixed.

The musical boxes play sound at random and the effector and filter make ambiente sound.—please watch the video from this link. http://vimeo.com/41401585

The “1000 combination locks” is an interesting concept as a puzzle. Just curious to know if anyone has any been actually able to solve it? haha :)

Haha, nobody has tried it yet. Will you ? : )

Anyway as our test, it can open around 15-20min per lock, so maybe it can solve with 20000 min for 1000 locks…

The “Liquid Lamp” series and “Liquid Bookmark” have a theme based on the flow of liquids. How did you come up with the concept? Do you create each “Liquid Bookmark” individually, yourself? 

Yes, the bookmark is created by myself. I was conscious of using a thing without the regular form to be a product when I was thinking about the product.

The idea was obtained from signs that the liquid flows with gravity.

 You being the sole designer at Kyouei Design and with your participation in various events and exhibitions, your schedule must be pretty tight. How do you keep yourself organized?

Participate in exhibitions is good way and enjoyable to communicate with other designers,resellers and students.

And since my childhood, I have been liking to create some things, so thinking about design and creation is very natural for me, so it is not so stressful even if I do not have my own free time…

Do you, as a designer, look up to any other designers/artists? If you could peek inside the studio/toolbox of any designer/artist, whose would it be and why?

Mr. Hans Rudolf Giger. Since my childhood, I have respected and gotten inspired from him very much.
He has created various things,so.

Could you please give our readers an insight into your upcoming projects? Anything particular you would like to share with us?

I had my solo exhibition in POLA MUSEUM ANNEX Apr 27- June 3, and this exhibition is scheduled to show in V&A in London in September, 2012.

Also I will do a live performance with the ‘Musical Table”and ‘Pendulum Sound Machine’.

What advice would you give to an aspiring/budding artist?

To create what is not until now is hard work.

However, it will be joyful and become great experience if it could do. So please continue creation and have many joyful work.

Thank you for taking the time for this interview, not only are your designs inccredibly innovative, but inspiring as well. We wish you and Kyouei Design the very best for the future. 

You can read more about Kyouei design at:

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