A great way to build readership to your own blog is to guest post at others in your niche. With over 50 guests posts to my credit, I have distilled what I have learned into the following so that newcomers can build meaningful relationships with other bloggers and their readers. The key to success in any field is passion. This is exceptionally true in blogging because your passion shows in the way you articulate yourself in the body of work. If you are not passionate or knowledgeable about your chosen niche, the readers will be able to tell.
Educate Yourself This article is a compilation of points about my experience. There are a number of other fantastic resources available on the internet to help you develop your approach. It may seem counterintuitive for me to advise you to read other articles (in addition to this one!), but writing is an incredibly personal thing. Putting yourself into your work will make your writing voice unique. The best way to find out what works for you is to familiarize yourself with many possibilities. Then, get out there and keep trying different things until you find what works for you.

Build Social Media Accounts
Blogging is meant to serve as an interpersonal method of communication in a medium that is typically impersonal. Take the time to nurture and build your social media accounts, fill out a Gravatar profile, and be certain to include a picture of yourself! Readers want to know they are dealing with an actual person, not a marketing bot or a slate of text.
Work Within Your Niche

Quite a few people make the mistake of pursuing guest blogging opportunities too far out of their niche. That actually hurts both parties more than helps. The readers of that blog are likely used to receiving information about their specific interests. If your work does not speak to those interests then the reader is not going to visit your blog and it may turn them off from the host.
Develop Interaction With Potential Hosts

It is a good idea to spend some time cultivating some familiarity with a potential host. Read their work, become a social network friend, and leave comments on some of their work. Taking these actions helps distinguish you from the rest of the pack. That separation will make them more likely to respond positively to a request for guest posting.
Ensure Your Writing And Subject Matter Fits

Too many people do not even bother to read any guest posting guidelines the host may have available. Do not waste your or the host’s time by trying to swim against the current. If their chosen style and presentation methods do not suit you, simply move on. There are plenty of other opportunities out there that will be better suited to your content and writing style. Double Check For Similar Posts

A number of potential guest bloggers forget to check for similar content before writing their piece. Granted, you may have something original and interesting to say on the subject. That does not necessarily mean that the host wants to run a similar article that they have already published. Utilize search functions on their blog to surf through their archives and ensure your article will be a positive addition. You Are The Most Important Part Of Quality Posting

There are a number of marketers out there trying to generate traffic and money through blogs, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, readers will always respond better to a knowledgeable individual talking about a subject they are passionate about. Your body of knowledge, experience, and passion are incredible facilitators for other interested parties. Always seek to grow your expertise and understanding of your chosen niche so you can produce captivating work that will keep the reader coming back for more.

Author Bio
This is a guest post by Jeff K Gross. Jeff has been blogging since 2007 & contributing on many websites since that time. He is a professional internet marketing and blogging consultant. Jeff is also co-owner of nPromote, SEO company from Long Island.
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2 Responses to 'Tips To Improve Guest Posting From An Experienced Blogger'

  1. Brosix Said,
    http://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2012/02/tips-to-improve-guest-posting-from.html?showComment=1328733126901#c8122402437897026147'> February 8, 2012 at 1:32 PM

    Great tips. Guest posting is something we're trying to get better at, for sure.


  2. Service Management Software Said,
    http://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2012/02/tips-to-improve-guest-posting-from.html?showComment=1362400376940#c9038318307583061923'> March 4, 2013 at 5:32 AM

    I am new in gust posting and content writing field. I am trying to write but unable to write perfective. I am not native speaker or native writer. I want to become writer in profession but How I can do this. If some one help me it I will be than full tu you..

    I read above tips and techniques. These are good but I want speacial training


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