This is a guest post by Sachin.

When a small business starts out it necessarily has to compete with the big companies for business. This can be very difficult because there is often no real advantage to choosing a small company over an established and proven company. The key is in business image and the front that you present to the world. You may be working from a dingy basement but everything that people see should be professional, neat and tidy.

Guarantee security

When dealing with customers it is absolutely vital that you are able to guarantee both security and confidentiality. Ensure that your IT services are secure and reliable to prevent any loss of information. Identity and information protection are very important to customers in today’s market so it is vital to be able to ensure security.

Create a professional logo

There is nothing less appealing than a word-art logo or one that has been thrown together on Paint. Be realistic about your logo and consider the impact that it will have. A professional logo will demonstrate that you are serious about your business.

Create a high quality website

An online presence is of great importance in any business market. Having a high quality website is essential to your success because it gives you the best opportunity to showcase your abilities and services. You will need to carry out regular network maintenance to ensure the best quality of service for your customers and it is important that all contact information on the website is professional. If you have a professional site that asks for requests to be sent to an @yahoo account then the air of professionalism will be lost. Consider all of the details on your site from the perspective of a potential customer.

Technological tricks

There are several things you can do to make your business appear more professional and professionally located. Consider having a city phone number redirected to your home office and use a Post Office Box instead of a home address on Knob Hill. These methods will add credibility to your business and they do not require any large expenditure at all.

Borrow office space

One of the big problems for small and home businesses is that they just don’t have enough space to hold meetings and to meet with clients. Your home office or small office cubicle may be enough for your personal work but what happens when you need to meet a group of 6 representatives from a potential client? The answer is space rental. Hotels and offices often have space which is available to rent out for short periods of time. These rooms will often include buffet lunches and can make your company appear very professional and welcoming.

Develop professional print publications

Whilst the majority of information is now online, it is good to be able to give your customers something when they come to see you. These items, whether they are business cards, booklets, or pamphlets, need to be professionally made and of a very high standard. Tricks like printing on card rather than paper will make your business appear more developed but it is essential that you ensure these materials are of the highest quality.

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Image Source: stock.xchng
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