Everyone and anyone who uses internet is somehow, somewhere socially connected...primarily through Facebook or Twitter. Etsy, one of the most renowned marketplace for individual sellers has stepped into social media through their latest addition of 'Circle' and 'Activity Feed' feature. 

Etsy's community consists of variety of talented and creative artists or crafters, and is a perfect place for those who are looking for such sellers. Other than the fact that Etsy is a great platform for selling and buying of handmade or homemade products, it is important to note that it has an active and lively community where people share, connect, inspire and motivate each other. This latest addition will only make things better and help both buyers and sellers discover wonderful new items, sellers, ideas, latest products or favorites.

"There are many ways to use Circles. Some people you may want to add to your circle might be: friends, Etsy shops you like, or Etsians whose style you admire." describes the website.


When you visit a profile page you will notice a 'circle' link in the sidebar, clicking on which will display two tabs: "Your Circle" and "Circles you're in". If you wish add a profile to your circle, you can simply visit the profile of your favorite seller or shop, and click on 'Add to circle' button.

Activity Feed

Activity feed is like your 'wall' on Facebook where you can see the latest updates or activities of all the people in your circle and the circle(s) you belong to. "You will see several different kinds of activity in your feed including: adding items/shops to favorites, creating new Treasury lists, and adding people to circles." explains Etsy.

For those who do not wish share all their information through activity feed can make changes through their privacy settings and choose the amount or kind of information they wish to share.

Here's what Etsy has to say about the latest changes on their site:

"Circles and Activity Feeds are two new features on Etsy that help you crowd-source your browsing. You may have already been keeping track of your preferred taste-maker's Favorites, or searching for exceptional finds on their blogs, but we're making it even easier. By adding Etsy members you know and admire to your circle, you can see what they're up to on Etsy through your activity feed. 
For shoppers, it's a dynamic way to get an immediate snapshot of what's happening in yoiur corner of Etsy - newly listed items from your favorite shops or new treasury lists from people whose style you admire. If you're a seller, you can see that you've just made a sale and who is favoriting which of your items."
Learn more about Etsy's Circle and Activity Feeds.

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1 Response to 'Social Buying And Selling On Etsy'

  1. Unknown Said,
    http://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/02/social-buying-and-selling-on-etsy.html?showComment=1303845797805#c3192347462601300064'> April 26, 2011 at 12:23 PM

    The power of social media is relevent for SEO. However more and more companies are using this technique to boost traffic. Therefore creating a clogging effect. One extremely good 'Page Rank' link is worth 1000's of social network links. Unless the social network web page is highly ranked of course.

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